Posted 6 Years Ago
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I thought I'd test a small animation using the iRay plugin as a rough guide for anyone that may be interested. My system is as follows:32.GB RAM Intel Core i7-6700 3.4ghz Win10 64 bit nvidia 1080ti - 11GB Animation Length / Output: 1800 frames / 19 seconds Rendered with IBL Lighting Custom Avatar has 2k PBR textures Output Resolution; 1920x1080 Sample Iterations: 1000 FPS: 60 Total Render Time: 14 hours
Reallusion Tutorials and Tips: https://www.youtube.com/@3DPixl
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That is quite a long render time, but thank you for posting it. At that camera distance, 1K textures should look exactly the same, and that adjustment alone should shave hours off of your render time. Even though this is 1080p60, there is some compression in the video—I assume this is done by YouTube? If so, maybe it would also look the same at 720p? I am also curious about 30fps VS 60fps, but that motion is really fluid, perhaps you really do need 60fps for this one. Anyway, thanks again for the benchmark!
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Posted 6 Years Ago
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I believe you over rendered this, you can get very quick renders if you do 100 iterations and have the ai de noiser kick in at 90 for a scene like yours
Posted 6 Years Ago
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Actually anything under 100 samples created too many firefly's for my liking. The point of this exercise was to see how long 60fps would take at high res using 2k textures. Just a measuring stick for anyone interested in how long it takes.
Reallusion Tutorials and Tips: https://www.youtube.com/@3DPixl
Posted 6 Years Ago
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The reason I came to IClone was Daz Studio renders take at least 2 minutes a frame for 760 p; usually 4-5 minute per frame for 1080p.. IClone uses IRay much more intelligently. So, your render time is quantum speed compared with Daz. Thanks for posting, this is encouraging.
Posted 6 Years Ago
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Interesting, but as there is only one character, no huge "scenery" the 14 hours rendertime are ridiculous... Once again a demonstration that iRay for animation is not really usefull and expensive (electricity bill). And getting your scene show up in iRay as desired is also tedious and full of surprises. For me a waste of time and money... Thanx for showing anyway! ;)
Toystorylab on Vimeo : 75% of original size (was 671x19) - Click to enlarge Crassitudes (my "Alter Ego") on Youtube: 75% of original size (was 671x19) - Click to enlarge