Can you confirm if the issue is in the monitoring of your face in the "Face3D Tracker" window or is the slowness of your 2D character in Cartoon Animator 4 itself?
If it is in CTA4, then try opening Preferences (CTRL+P) and lower the Max Real-time Map Settings. Then check the FPS you are getting by turning this on in Preferences or press CTRL+F.
If the problem is in the Face3D Tracker window, then it may be due to the webcam being used. Try lowering the Resolution and adjusting the Video FPS to see if that makes a difference. If you have second webcam try that to eliminate if the issue is with the first webcam or the webcam drivers.
Also if you have a new computer, please make sure you have run Windows Update and separately updated your graphics drivers. Out of the box a new computer will likely need quite a few updates so if these haven't been done, then that could be the cause of the problem.
Forum Administrator