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Daz3D shop vs content store / market place

Posted By Daimonius 6 Years Ago
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Daz3D shop vs content store / market place

Posted 6 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 6 Years Ago
Posts: 5, Visits: 18
Greetings everyone!
I am very new to CC3 and the 3D software scene in general. (In this regards kinda feel like I lived under a rock for the past decade)
So after watching some Tutorials and learning about Daz3d (I'm so new to this) and how to import content from it, I was wondering how I should view these different asset-stores.

In regards of what I want to do for now: Just creating my character ideas and put them into cool looking renders :).
Feel free to skip any questions. I am happy for every answer, even for a single one.

Here are some questions which my noob-mind came up so far and please correct me if my questions indicates any wrong ideas:

1) Does Daz3D shop provides way more assets for character creation than reallusion's content store / market place, or am i misleaded?
I am most likely interested in medieval fantasy and cartoony assets and models and having a hard time find those in the reallusion's content store / market place.

2) Should I stick mostly to reallusion's content store / market place for the best compatibility with other CC3 assets and iClone 7 animation?
As mentioned before, the Daz3D shop looks way more enticing for me, but I don't want to mess up to much.

3) If I want to invest into the Daz3D shop: Should I wait for Genesis 9 (if there will be) or are the Genesis 8 Models outright worth the money?

4) Should I avoid buying older content, which released for CC2 and Genesis 2 & 3 respectively?
I'm not 100% sure if older assets work well with iClone 7 or can be imported from Daz3D to CC3 unproblematically.

5) Any bad experience with any purchases?

6) Personal tips which is worth the money, recardless from where?

This should do it for now. I am looking forward for some insights :)

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