Ok I want to learn how to make my own UI for python plugins I end up wanting to make (i'm in learning mode now so not actually making anything yet)
1) So I went to
this clicked the required files link and clicked the link to check the code.
2) Next I clicked the Raw button at the top of the code to remove the line numbers
3) I then selected all the code and copied it.
4) Went to my folder where Im saving all my iClone python plugins and created a text file.
5) Renamed it to (not because I don't want to do it that way yet)
6) I then loaded the file into Notepad++ (I like using this)
7) Then I pasted the code I copied into the file and saved it
8) Now, because I want to do it with method 2 and not method 1 (
as shown here) I did this
a) Method 1 must have a function named as
def initialize_plugin(): Method 2 must have a function names as
def run_Script(): So I renamed the initialize_plugin function to run_Script to suit the way it needs to be for method 2
b) I noticed at the bottom of the code there was another function also called run_Script that simply called the initialize_plugin fuction.
So it became obvious to me, in reality even method 1 is run initially by run_Script and not initialize_plugin. Hmmmmm, maybe I could have just left the code as it was?
Anyway, I just deleted the run_Script function at the bottom and its call to initialize_plugin and left the one at the top changed to run_Script.
9) Finally I loaded the file into iClone after I opened it and here is the result. Double click it to see the full size of it.
75% of original size (was 674x19) - Click to enlarge
Yep, errors. After checking the error codes to see which lines were generating the errors I saw there are other things in this
link that are being used by it that I haven't included. But also the way its written I needed to change to suit my style.
1) I opened the BatchRender.ui file on the site, removed the line numbers, copied the code, created a text file and renamed it the same as this, opened it into Notepad++, passed the code into it and saved it.
I then went back to the site, opened the icon folder, clicked the load.svg link right clicked the image and saved it to my iClone python folder.
2) Then I changed line 70 from this
ui_file = QFile(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/BatchRender.ui") to this ui_file = QFile("E:/Reallusion7/Pythons/BranchRenderFold/BatchRender.ui")
3) Finally I changed line 85
from this
ui_sel_folder_btn.setIcon(QPixmap(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+"\\icon\\Load.svg")) to this
ui_sel_folder_btn.setIcon(QPixmap("E:\\Reallusion7\\Pythons\\BranchRenderFold\\icon\\Load.svg"))And here is the result. Again, double click it to see full size.
75% of original size (was 674x19) - Click to enlarge
OK, that's good enough for me to spend time now figuring out and experimenting with creating User Interface plugins. And then I will need to start looking into understand the code styles and names used for making it do things with animations etc etc. And finally when I am familiar with all that I will actually start making things that I see will be useful.
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