Posted 7 Years Ago
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 6 Years Ago
Posts: 3,
Visits: 154
Hi, I am trying to apply a wrinkle map to a character, but am not understanding how to do it. I have tried via 2 methods:
1 - In the appearance editor (I am using a CC1 skin for now), I go to Skin_head - and click in to "Skin / normal". There is an input box there for wrinkle map. I have searched the forums up and down for any leads of how to use these wrinkle maps/what form they should take. I tried loading in a displacement map based on the same character, but with lines on it, but that did not work at all.
2 - In the materials section, I tried taking the grey plain displacement map of the character and darkening it for lines etc, and reapplying it. But that strangely only places vague, spots on the character in the strangest places. (again I placed the "wrinkle lines" on the forehead based on the face placement in the bump/normal map - but when applied in the displacement map they do not show up anywhere near where they should.
I think its so important to be able to apply wrinkles and kinks enough in a skin to make it realistic - but alas cannot find a decent way to do this to a character. Yes I know I can use the old woman from the Essentials package - but seems hard to make a realistic, say 40-year old from that. Am after subtle, but realistic wrinkles. Any advice, anyone?