Hi guys, my name is Alex, some of you probably remember me. Im a long time user from iclone, but life has been making me go away and come back...and then go away again :) for several times. But i always loved this wonderful software and the amazing community in here, and i come here very often to read your posts and understand whats new, And altough my time isnt so much, i always buy the new iclone version, thats always sacred! :)
Im coming back (hopefully for longer) wanting to do a few things, and one of them is 3d vr 360 video. I have PSVR glasses and im in love with this technology, and o believe vr movie making is something i iclone would be amazing at.
I was glad when IC6 included 360 videos...but then...i saw it was not real 360 3d i was a bit let down, i confess.
But then i started learning some other tools, trying to find a way that i could use iclone for the animations... and some other tool for the 3d 360 export. And i finally did it.
After some workarounds i just did a quick youtube 360 stereo using an iclone 3d set.
Please watch it with VR glasses and give me your feedback. I didn't loose any time on the aesthetics of the scene...my main objective was that i could put my glasses and really feel that the objects around me where in 3d.
This is a subject i would really like to get more into and get better. Lets talk about VR... if thats you thing too. :)
Thanks guys.