Hi All,
My Second series will be focused on the weapon which is especially used in CG gaming industry. More weapons would be coming in this months, I hope this pack could help other designers to ease their life in making accessories in their CG Project.
WEAPON 01: Moon ChakramAlthough the Moon Chakram only has 1 item, it has hidden much design under the opacity map. By changing the strength of different texture maps, users could immediately create endless design possibilities and even animated this product with VFX.

The PBR item included a metallic and roughness map, normal map, bump map, and a diffuse map with manageable UVs. This weapon is created as a design tool and exclusively power up Character Creator and iClone designers who want to create a weapon, outfits, and animation in a more relaxed manner. Simply by adjusting the value of different texture map, the designer could immediately create multiple effects.