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FBX to Unity - No Materials?

Posted By TonyDPrime 6 Years Ago
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Posted 6 Years Ago
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I don't know which section of the forum this is supposed to go in, but since it's an FBX from iClone 7.21 to Unity 3D 2018.1, I am thinking here in Technical Issues.

Okay - the problem is that when I export an avatar to Unity 3D, from iClone FBX, the materials brought into Unity are all grey/white. 
If I export FBX, from iClone to 3DS Max or Unreal Engine, the imported figure comes in with materials.
One question -
How to get materials embedded 'in' character over to Unity 3D?

Posted 6 Years Ago
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Okay, I put 'Embed', and I set a threshold for file size above the texture size.
But it only sends over Metallic, Roughness, and Alpha.
What about Albedo/Base Color, Normal/Bump, and all the other maps, why are they excluded from the export?
Posted 6 Years Ago
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Unity tries it's best to match material slots for a bunch of different 3D packages and material types, but at the end of the day Unity materials are your final destination and they may still have some setting up depending on the shader you wish to use (for example some require specular in the alpha channel as described above). Try this to get most way there:

  • Assign your material in the source package, make sure there is a baked texture in the diffuse slot

  • Assign your other baked textures to the spec, normal and others

  • Check embed textures at export

  • Check 'import materials: by material name' is selected for your imported model (in the inspector)

Where possible use a portable file format like FBX and follow these guidelines.

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