Hi there,
I am new using Iclone and Character Creator. I am trying to add multiple sets of clothing to my character so that I can hide it and unhide it in Unity to be able to "change" the character's cloth. But in Character Creator, I am not able to add multiple cloths of the same type, like more than 1 set of pants as it simply replaces the previous one.
I am aware that this is something I should find out how to handle in Unity but I thought that if it was possible to do this I could easily accomplish my purpose. Alternatively Is it possible to export a clothing asset by itself as a skinmesh but maintaining the bone information so that I can assign them in Unity?
My last question is about PBR materials, I haven't found any tutorials on how to correctly import the PBR materials from character creator into Unity. I know the graphics will never be exactly the same in both programs but after assigning all the textures in Unity the quality is reduced drastically so I imagine that there is something I am not doing correctly.
Thanks beforehand to anyone who can give me some advice.