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3ds Max Export

Posted By RFilms 7 Years Ago
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3ds Max Export

Posted 7 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Months Ago
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Hello Everyone, i am a filmmaker / producer and digital artist. Love how iClone works to produce animations in less time. I have a few questions / concerns about using iClone in real production. Please answer if possible...
Let's say i want to use iClone for all the character and camera animation work but want to use 3ds max with vray renderer for environment design and rendering. Is this possible to export a scene animated in iclone and export as it is in 3ds max for further enhanced quality ? Does this export exact same expressions/animations to other applications ??
If yes, can you please share any video showing ACTUALLY exporting content to 3ds max and rendering with it?? Because i tried to find on youtube, but SURPRISINGLY could not find any.
Please answer as i am about to buy hell lot of stuff from Reallusion including facial and body motion capture systems for my feature film if this is possible. 

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