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Softcloth Hair vs Softcloth Clothing -- need some clarification. COMPLICATED.

Posted By bexley 8 Years Ago
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Softcloth Hair vs Softcloth Clothing -- need some clarification....

Posted 8 Years Ago
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Last Active: 3 Years Ago
Posts: 114, Visits: 370
After days of trying I finally got a reliable soft-cloth sim on a character walking in a dress.  In order to make the sim work I was forced to use the Physics tab, with Soft vs Rigid and Self-Collision tweaked.  I was also forced to use the Project Settings Soft vs Soft setting (because I had a jacket, and skirt combination and needed to simulate them bumping into each other).  Fine -- all part of the learning curve.  I baked the Soft Cloth Sim on the time-line, all good.

Then I added hair and parented it to the character.  After days of ripping my own hair out I finally figured out a simple combination of Soft Cloth Physics, and Softcloth Project Settings that made the hair do what I wanted.  I Baked that to the Hair time-line.

Both Hair and Clothing work as planned (for training purposes).  But MY QUESTION is this:

The PROJECT SETTINGS tab for Softcloth is now different for HAIR (parented to character) and CLOTHING (character).  i.e. They are two separate sims.  How do I revert to the Clothing settings in Project Settings after changing them for Hair?  How do I re sim my clothing if I need to, and will that alter the hair sim?  Is there and on/off switch for what gets baked, and how does it work?

I bring this up, because if I have four characters, and they each have clothing and hair, will that be eight soft-cloth sims I'll have to run?  I'd hate to get to sim eight, and find out I'd over-written the first seven by mistake.  Has anyone dealt with something like this?  Sorry if I'm missing something obvious here.  I guess I'm asking, what is the methodology for running multiple soft-cloth sims on multiple objects in a single project?

Any help appreciated!


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