Fairly new to animation and motion capture with iclone, i am trying to get walk straight motion capture.
I recorded some animations with axis software. Now i try to record them in iclone, when in preview mode, i can get axis and iclone character to match movement orientation.
But as soon as i push record instead, iclone is not longuer taking in account the yaw correction from axis software ?!
And result is, my walk forward animation is going a bit to the right and not perfectly straight.
Is there a way to sync both with recording mode ? or is there a way to correct animation afterward in iclone ?
I tryed rotation at the first frame, as well as moving last frame to correct place, but this add some sliding to the feets i want to avoid.
Ultimate goal of this, is root motion export to unreal engine, so avoiding sliding at all cost.
Thanks you.
Best regards.