Posted 8 Years Ago
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 7 Years Ago
Posts: 65,
Visits: 102
Hi all!
Today I bought a dress for Gwynn charactar in IClone 5.5! The dress is for Iclone 5.5 and above! It is a package named Ladies by day 1940's Golden era by Alley It also required Base, that I already have since earlier! I think! I can find the Acessories in the package but not the dress parts! I load up Gwynn and put on all the Base first and then I can't find the new dress parts!
I don't know if this is the reason that I might have the wrong base! The dress should have Base that begin with this in the name E005 Gwynn Lower Skirt etc The one I have don't have the beginning E005 but the rest of the name is correct. Mine is Gwynn Lower skirt!
Thanks in advance! Alf