Need help to install dress for Gwynn and can't find them in IClone 5.5
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By alfhak - 8 Years Ago
Hi all!

Today I bought a dress for Gwynn charactar in IClone 5.5!
The dress is for Iclone 5.5 and above!
It is a package named Ladies by day 1940's Golden era by Alley
It also required Base, that I already have since earlier! I think!
I can find the Acessories in the package but not the dress parts!
I load up Gwynn and put on all the Base first and then I can't find
the new dress parts!

I don't know if this is the reason that I might have the wrong base!
The dress should have Base that begin with this in the name
E005 Gwynn Lower Skirt etc
The one I have don't have the beginning E005 but the rest of the name
is correct. Mine is Gwynn Lower skirt!

Thanks in advance!

By alfhak - 8 Years Ago
I manage to get the dress now but at the moment the dress lower part is not ok!
I forgot it was to load the Base first and then go to load material for respective base!
I manage to do that but lower does not show up as it should! Only the part below
the hip and down to feet are ok but the middle she still nude!
I have tried to use either Gwynn_Lower_skirt and Gwynn_lower_skirt_gored-straight
and both looks funny! Maybe I have to buy named with E005....... to get it to work!

I wait for your advice before I do!
By colour - 8 Years Ago
Maybe I have to buy named with E005....... to get it to work!I

IMO, that's correct, but  PM Alley for confirmation, before you spend more money. BTW, Posting Screenshots helps to identify a problem.
I have iC 5.5
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
I believe the E005 is a prefix used when buying individual items in the Market Place. If you have the complete Clone Cloth for IC5, you should be all set.

And as Colour suggests, post a screenshot, as it seems to me that you do have the necessary items. BTW, Alley is pretty good in indicating in the material name what base is required.
By alfhak - 8 Years Ago
Thanks for your helps!

I tried again and things get better with Gwynn cloths!
Next time I loaded up IClone cloths was looking better on Gwynn,
don't know why! There are still some kind of issue and I tried all
different parts of cloths and also the different kind of "base" that
should work for her! Now it only one Upperbody part that don't look
ok and it is this red upper dress!

I also have Men's suit 1940 from Alley and that only have one kind of
base for upper body. (Chuck upper suit) for chuck! All west¨s and sweater's have issue like this
but the suit's are ok!
By alfhak - 8 Years Ago
Now the problem is solved! I email Alley about it!
The problem was, I did not have the correct Required Base!
Then I bought the products I read all information and also
read under Required Base, I also need for it to work!
So I had no idea about! Now I have them and all is working fine!
For the "Men's 1940 suit"! Chuck Upper Causual was missing!
and for "Ladies by day 1940's Golden era" Gwynn Upper Body Suit
was missing!

Now they are happy again!