CC2 should have a subdivision option or a polygon number option on export. From very low res to very high res. Preferably not a paid plug in :p .
The CC characters are very good but they lack of polygon to get a smoother mesh when imported to renderer like unity. This is forcing the artist to pass trought third party software to do the job
( blender,max etc) which making the pipeline longer and less productive. Realtime is the future of film rendering so CC2 should be giving attention to the external tools like Unity , UE etc.The mesh should be ready without no more time drolling tweaking.
The iclone render is good but lacking overall finesse and realism for cinema need so we need to render externally for the moment.
75% of original size (was 668x19) - Click to enlarge
75% of original size (was 668x19) - Click to enlarge
Please refer to this discussion for more detail and some eye candy images.
Open for Professional collaboration as a lighting artist.