Waterlane Studios
Waterlane Studios
Posted 8 Years Ago
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I'd really like a way to import .max files and convert them for other 3D software... As far as I know, there is no 'stand-alone' software which can do this, so if it could be done then it could prove very popular. (I appreciate there may be issues with licensing and other formats can be used, but still - I know I'd find it a VERY useful feature...)
Posted 8 Years Ago
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I believe the problem is that .max is a proprietary format owned by Autodesk, which does not allow use of it by other software.
Posted 8 Years Ago
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Waterlane Studios (9/20/2017) I'd really like a way to import .max files and convert them for other 3D software...One Way.... Download a free trial of 3ds Max. ~ Export your max files using the (FBX) format. ~ Delete the trial. Poof! :cool:
Waterlane Studios
Waterlane Studios
Posted 8 Years Ago
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HI - I think you're right 'animagic', hence me mentioning 'licensing'. Perhaps there's away around this though by only converting aspect of a .max file (e.g. mesh only). 'but0fc0ourse' - sure, a good idea, though you can't do that repeatedly (I have lot's of max files - lol)
Thanks for you replies - I realise I'm being optimistic in asking :-)
Posted 8 Years Ago
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Waterlane Studios (9/21/2017) 'but0fc0ourse' - sure, a good idea, though you can't do that repeatedly (I have lot's of max files - lol)What's preventing you from repeatedly exporting in Max. "There is NO export limit.... only a 30 day limit for trial version." "Once you export (1) file... max will use that setting until you change it. so.... ~ Load a max file...hit <File><Export><Name It> Repeat over and over and over and over.... until your done.
Posted 8 Years Ago
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I guess he means he has to do all his exporting within the 30-day trial period, which may be a challenge.
Posted 8 Years Ago
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He can knock it out all at once, if he "Batch" export. Poof! :cool:
Waterlane Studios
Waterlane Studios
Posted 8 Years Ago
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Thanks to everyone who took time to reply - It's a pain that Autodesk locks their formats, but I guess that's the way it is. Batch processing and monthly subscriptions are options for sure. The reason for my question is that I've used 3dsMax since it start (what's that now? 20+ years worth of file in hundreds of folder/projects...) so a general non-Autodesk conversion tool would be so useful. Cheers all.
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If you do end up batch converting, make sure you save your FBX files as 2012 to be compatible with 3DX. A bit more recent may still work, but RL uses 2012, primarily.
The most recent FBX from Max and Maya is not compatible.