race_34 (7/28/2017)
Thanks for your reply, it's giving me some hope for this working. I do know how to use a curve editor. I guess my main problem comes at the rigging stage. I take it that the characters from CC need to be rigged in maya separately? I think that is where my first problem arises. I have also heard about this new plugin for iclone7, which I am hoping does the trick but I need to learn how to make this all work independently first I think. Yes... you know how to use a curve editor.
If you want to learn to do this independently...
...Remember this:
A bone is a bone... it doesn't matter what program made it.
Make Reallusion bones follow faceware animation.
faceware raw animation data is displayed on the
...animation tracks.
Tell Reallusion's bones, "Hey, you follow this bone and you follow that bone.
Bone by bone.... track by track... Instantiate Reallusion bones and they will accurately follow.
It's easier than you think..... Let's pick (Faceware's Root Bone).
COPY the Position Track2. PASTE it onto the Reallusion (ROOT Bone's)
Position track.
3. Copy the Faceware root bone's (Rotation Track) and...
Yep, you got it now...
Repeat for every bone.
One last thing.
When you paste to the reallusion bone tracks...
PASTE A INSTANCE!Now the Reallusion bones are "Instantiated.
Faceware and Realluson bones are IN SYNC!