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Adding to website?

Posted By ltd 17 Years Ago
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Adding to website?

Posted 17 Years Ago
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Hi bought this a few hrs ago, looks good:)

I would like a tutorial on how how add a crazy talk5 character to a webpage, so it plays in ff and ie as soon as the page loads and how to set this up if possible with the exact (pref minumum amount of code) to call in character and any players needed to run it.

I have searched and can't find this info here or on the site.

I guess i'm looking for a tutorial on how to add a superior v of sitepal to me website:)

Also- a lot of the voices I downloaded to use for text to speech are not natural and quite poor sounding. Have looked around a bit but all seem to sound very mechanical. Can anyone suggest the best place to get a really natural sounding voice also?


Posted 17 Years Ago
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From the CrazyTalk 5 online help:

Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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When you choose to output to the Web as RKD has shown above just put a tick in the box marked Produce HTML Page and a sample page with the code will be generated for you.

When it comes to TTS voices I personally like the Neospeech Kate and Paul 16khz voices. There are also good ones from AT&T and Ceptstral that you may prefer. Click the link below for more information and to preview the voices.



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Hi thanks for the replies.
Screen shot- yes saw that myself but doesnt explain all I want to know, hence posting on the forum.

I didn't get the feeling that is was as simple as that, eg Just adding that html code to my website page, I'm sure I read that characters may not work in firefox etc. unless you add extra players code to the page and code?
Also, how do you get it to just 'start' without a surfer having to press a button even?
Would I need to add some sort of launch code or seperate script?

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding and making it more complex than it is...
But not much desailed info is given I feel on doing what I want.

I'm wanting to easy add this to existing webpages.

Posted 17 Years Ago
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ltd (2/23/2008)
Screen shot- yes saw that myself but doesnt explain all I want to know, hence posting on the forum.

It's not just a screenshot - the scrollbars work. ;)

I'm sure I read that characters may not work in firefox etc. unless you add extra players code to the page and code?

That is no longer the case. CrazyTalk 5 does no longer export the proprietary CrazyTalk player, but instead to cross-compatible Flash (as well as .rm & .wmv).

Also, how do you get it to just 'start' without a surfer having to press a button even?
Would I need to add some sort of launch code or seperate script?

As far as I can see that it not possible at the moment with the FLV player CrazyTalk exports.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding and making it more complex than it is...
But not much desailed info is given I feel on doing what I want. I'm wanting to easy add this to existing webpages.

You can just copy & paste the code from the HTML page CrazyTalk exports to your own page and upload the content along with your other webpages to your webspace.

Another option would be to leave the HTML export page as it is and 'embed' the whole page via a frameless, marginless iframe on your webpage.

A third method would be to upload your talking character video to YouTube or the like and then embed it on your page by the single line of code they provide.

Posted 17 Years Ago
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Thanks for that.

It's a real shame you cannot make it auto launch...
I was hoping to make a better v than sitepal- but if it wont auto launch I'll have to consider using sitpal instead- which is a shame...but if the characters cannot be made to auto launch, its no good for the purpose.

I'm surprised by this news as I asked a pre sales question before I bought, pre sales ,stated what I wanted to do (eg an auto launch sitepal) and was told yes I could go ahead and buy the prog for this purpose and that it would work as I needed it too.

I wouldn't have bought this prog otherwise. Why are they giving wrong info before people purchase?
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It was possible to autoplay the talking character in the CrazyTalk player. So maybe that is why you got the reply that it was still possible. It is not completeley wrong either though, because both the WMV and RM exports will autoplay as standard. The advantage of the FLV export is that Flash might be more popular and might therefore be already installed on a higher percentage of your visitors' machines by default.

Perhaps it is possible to autoplay in the FLV player CrazyTalk exports as well, eg. by adding a parameter to the script. Sadly it is not documented by Reallusion. And even after browsing through quite a lot of help files on the Adobe website regarding FlashSwf and AC_FL_RunContent script I couldn't come up with a solution. I think this is difficult without knowing exactly how the objects inside the script are named.

BUT, how about you just export to FLV, without the HTML page, and then use another FLV player, like the free Flowplayer, that definitely comes with an autoplay feature?! :cool:

Posted 17 Years Ago
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Thanks for response.

Ok will have to try all that I guess, however I only bought this two days ago and was assured that it was simple, doable and there were tutorials availiable on how to.
Support should give accurate info!

This is clearly not straight forward and is going to involve an awful lot of time, trial. tech skills and error.
Support should be better informed and provide more accurate responses before people purchase.

It may be simpler for me to get sitepal- a simple easy cut and paste answer. Had I know how 'techy' I would have to get to try to make this work as I need- I would not have purchased the prog and character packs also.

Thanks you for trying to help.

Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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I can understand your frustrations but I think maybe you have misunderstood what Crazytalk is and the difference between a webpage builder and the Crazytalk program. Crazytalk enables anyone to export a video in a format ready for including in a webpage. It doesn't claim to be a webpage designer or builder and to the best of my knowledge never has, it's software that exports web ready content very simply.

There are countless programs and sites out there that will help you design web pages and many thousands of tutorials that teach you how to write HTML code and place flash videos on your web site etc. When you export from Crazytalk you have that code ready to be cut and pasted on your webpage without the need to re-write it yourself.

If you do a search on Google for example, you will certainly be able to find beginners tutorials on setting up a web page and the different sites to host it on, and once that is setup you should have no problems adding Crazytalk content to your web site.

Your comments are always welcome. I hope you persevere with Crazytalk. I think you will find it worthwhile in the end.


ltd (2/24/2008)
Thanks for response.

Ok will have to try all that I guess, however I only bought this two days ago and was assured that it was simple, doable and there were tutorials availiable on how to.
Support should give accurate info!

This is clearly not straight forward and is going to involve an awful lot of time, trial. tech skills and error.
Support should be better informed and provide more accurate responses before people purchase.

It may be simpler for me to get sitepal- a simple easy cut and paste answer. Had I know how 'techy' I would have to get to try to make this work as I need- I would not have purchased the prog and character packs also.

Thanks you for trying to help.


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I'm not confused.lol

I did not for one moment think this was a website builder!

I asked if this prog would perform the same functions as sitepal before purchase and was told- yes it would and could be used in the same way.

Now I have purchased- I find out that this is not the case.

I was further told- there were tutorial on how to do just this by pre sales- before purchase.
I was led to believe that this could be used as an alternative to sitepal.

I'm not confused in the slightest- I think your pre sales staff who respond to pre sales questions are, however.

I only purchased this as an alternative to sitepal because of your pre sales staff assurance that it could do the job and that tutorials were provided.

It's a bit off after purchase to find- in fact no tutorials on how to do this are provided,
The support forum tries to tell you your confusing the prog with a site maker,
That you should also scan the net to look for how to tutorials!

I was told- (just so no one thinks i'm confused)
That crazy talk was a good alternative to sitepal and would do the same thing.
Tutorials on how to achieve this were provided.

To clarify, I am a webmaster with many sites and my own hosting. I can build webpages.
I don't need 'newbie' tutorials on building webpages.

I need a program I purchase - to do what I am told it will do.
If I'm assured that tutorials on how to do what I need it to do are provided- I expect them to be.

The only thing I'm a newbie at - is using this new program I have bought.


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