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It seems the Substance map colors are absolute. That means no blending the red and blue mapped areas with purple. So, that is inherently different than the splat mapping on the HM terrain. That would have been cool.
Is it possible to make a tri-planar terrain Substance that would blend textures projected from different directions? Like the tri-planar shaders in game software?
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rampa (2/4/2017) It seems the Substance map colors are absolute. That means no blending the red and blue mapped areas with purple. So, that is inherently different than the splat mapping on the HM terrain. That would have been cool.
Is it possible to make a tri-planar terrain Substance that would blend textures projected from different directions? Like the tri-planar shaders in game software?This is where I didnt get back to it as at the time the nodes I needed to try this were causing a crash in iclone (it was a bug that was a 'known issue') I then went back to old fashioned methods of painting things outside of iclone and importing a finished texture set into iclone. So yes the colours dont blend I found i could blurr things. I might give this another go when they release iclone 7 (cause all my stuff is obsolete just about now anyhow..) and see if they fixed the nodes I needed to make it work (for the splat map using vertex) and make a triplanar texture one. It would be handy I would think. I have a feeling it will be fixed because they are going to be using true PBR susbstances etc instead of some creative use of substances :)
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UL, could it be the node in Designer is the problem? Apparently it was at one point, and a fix was made available.
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I changed my mind again and decided to go with the built in terrain and working with miniaturized trees. It is just the simplest and definitely quickest, unfortunately substance materials aren't available but who knows, one day... it would be cool to have all eight of those channels available from EarthSculptor Pro in iC7, and more options for the base mesh used. Anyhow, this is my latest screen test with a lens flare added in Hitfilm after the fact, it needs work, maybe all the trees could be smaller so the mountain seems bigger, and it is obvious in the closing that the terrain isn't fully populated yet, but I am just amazed at how well iClone can render out so many trees, adding more and more doesn't seem to have slowed down rendering much if at all. I came from Poser where I was used to populating a landscape with a clunky (albeit powerful) script, and that was with 2D planes and it still slowed everything to a crawl and took forever to render. Anyhow, this is nothing special but it didn't take long to get together and render, which is the whole point of iClone for me. I really hope iClone's trees and landscape get some attention soon though. I was looking at Speedtree and their Unity plugin monthly subscription deal, and I really hope something like that becomes available for iClone.
My system: i7 3770 Gtx1060 6GB
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I can't remember it probably was. I started to make a substance to accomodate triplanar for texturing and at the same time to try to use height maps splat maps with it and it crashed horribly. When I looked up the node in the known issues list on the iclone forum yeah it was on the list of known iclone issues. I dont know if there was more then one actually but at the time the node listed issue i found on this forum not on that site. Anyhow yeah when they release iclone 7 I will probably give it another try since the slots dont work exactly the same in 6 as they would in 7 most of what I made for iclone 6 will only half work in iclone 7 (for the final texture layout)
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As far as I'm concerned that's looking very nice 'blue!
 Click here to go to my YouTube Channel filled with iClone Tutes and Silly Stuff
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Wait! You can make landscapes in iClone? I did NOT know that was possible, Ill need to research how to do this.
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Lotharen (2/8/2017) Wait! You can make landscapes in iClone? I did NOT know that was possible, Ill need to research how to do this.
You can not make Landscapes directly in iClone. You can create Height Maps for use with iClone Terrains using Earth Sculptor. Anything else needs to be made using something like Blender, Maya, etc. You can also create Height Maps using something like Photoshop or GIMP, but that's a lot of trial and error.
System: Win 10 Pro (21H2), Asus X99-E WS, CPU i7-5930K -3,5 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 2666-16 RAM, NVidia GTX 1080 Ti GPU - 11 GB VRAM(Driver Studio-536.99), Samsung 850 Pro 512 GB SSD, 6 TB HD storage.
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There's an older prop by BigBoss, called EZ Morphs Terrain: It's a three-layered prop with handles for shaping. Each layer can have a different texture (even a video). Since it is a prop it can be any size. I have not used it, but I have used the EZ Morphs bed which is based on the same idea. Shaping using the handles is an interesting approach. Come to think of it, you could probably combine it with a displacement map to add additional detail.