There was a feature back in iClone 4 and 5 that let you paint directly onto the UV of a model. It was still 2D back then, but had real-time 3D update. It was also only for the head textures of older generation avatars.
76% of original size (was 662x19) - Click to enlarge
I've been thinking about how useful a tool like this would be to have updated and re-introduced into iClone. It would be very useful for creating all kinds of maps from within iClone. But I am especially interested in using such a system for props, especially terrain props in my current thinking.
A couple examples that I think would be really useful:
Painting opacity directly onto a terrain model for blending with other terrain models (like rocks jutting out of soil with a softened transition).
Painting "blend"maps, like for a darker image where the rocks are wet around a waterfall.
There are other types of maps that could also benefit, like weight maps for PhysX cloth, or bump maps.
What do people think? Is it something worth putting in as a suggestion?