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4 - Color Adjustments & Shadow Effect

Posted By Miranda (RL) 8 Years Ago
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Miranda (RL)
Miranda (RL)
Posted 8 Years Ago
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In response to PBR and IBL capabilities, we have added some relevant adjustment tools such as:
8 Years Ago by Miranda (RL)
Miranda (RL)
Miranda (RL)
Posted 8 Years Ago
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Color Adjustments

Texture maps adjustments now come in the form of a dockable panel for more convenient access.
In the past, Color Section was placed at the bottom of the Modify Panel which forced the user to scroll up and down to control color adjustment.
The previous method was both time-consuming and cumbersome.
The new Adjust Color interface unified all color adjustment parameters so one can simply click on the desired texture channel and modify it immediately.


IClone6 Adjust Color settings require a displeasing lengthy user experience.

Color Adjustment settings are now unified under one convenient interface.
In the official version, the icon Color Adjustment is change from to

This user interface is available under the Material Section for the following assets:
Avatar, Accessory, Cloth, Hair, Sky and IBL

This user interface will appear directly on top of the 3D View and there is no need to close it.

Usage and Introduction

[A] The texture channel that is currently focused upon.  Any modification will be applied to this specific texture channel.

[B] Horizontal and Vertical flipping.

[C] Softness applies a blur effect.

[D] You can modify the brightness of the auto-generated Roughness map to effect its glossiness.

7 Years Ago by Miranda (RL)
Miranda (RL)
Miranda (RL)
Posted 8 Years Ago
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Shadow Effect: Visual Shadow Map

The current version allows for adjusting of shadows created by light sources (does not include IBL light sources)

Check Online Manual HERE for Shadow Effect.
Check Online Manual HERE for Lighting Options.

7 Years Ago by Miranda (RL)

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