Now I have a greater understanding how you guys work, it seems hard to make the "Directors" happy. I am in the lucky position, that I am my own writer, camera operator and director, so I have only to argue with myself. Mostly I know exactly how I want the shot done and how I want it to be set up. In my documentaries I mostly did not even had a script. I did the script after the shots...But I found a use in this for my work in commercials. A little blocking scene might clear all questions for my costumers.
I am not a professional Filmmaker, I never had the chance to do it professional and learn it right. I was a chef for most of my life, so I had very little time to do this, even if I film now for 40 years and started digital editing in the early 80's on a Amiga. I won some Amateur Festival Prices in Germany and Spain, got paid for some documentaries, did commercials for Shipping Lines, Hotels, Tobacco and Drilling Companies, did Camera-Work for the German Television and did a lot of small Productions for non profit Organisations like SPCA, environmental Protection, Animal Care, Red Cross. I started to use 3D animation in the late 80's , too, because I needed a model of a Water Jet Animation for a Documentary of a very fast Cat-Ferry between Germany and Poland. I could not afford to buy this, so I just made my own. It worked.....
I had to stop cooking a while ago because of my Heart trouble, they found out that I have a genetic defect since I am a kid, so since 6 years I am out of the kitchen and work for Highway Maintenance as an Operator now. Because I am waiting for my last Heart Surgery now (2 are done), I am on medical Leave for a Year already. But that gave me the chance, to learn IClone and take your course, I also did a course for Premiere Pro, After Effects, Carrara 3D, Blender, Photo Shop and some other stuff. Here is a little Clip I did after your Course, what do you think? I did it the way you blocked it in your Course. First just put the Avatars and Cameras, then refine the Camera Views, then did the Animations of the characters. I also did it in 2 separate Projects and finished it in Premiere. My resources are a bit limited at this time, my old Computer has only a 650 TI with 1 Gig Mem, It is a second Generation I7, lots of Ram (24Gigs), but over 6 years old. So the quality is a bit poor, special at the hair from Ronald.
Whatever, thanks for that Webinar and your course and the inside view into your "world". At least I learned a lo about the organisation of these things and got some time saving Ideas for future projects. Thank you for that, my friend and have a good one!