Hi Guys,
I have Crazytalk 8.1 (Mac) and I am trying to create a 3D head of Wayne Rooney.
I am using the following images.

The image in CrazyTalk is:

In Character Creator I get

In Iclone I get

As you can see the first image has some resemblance ( but needs to be better) so
1. Are my images good enough to use ( Feel free to have a go).
2. The final product once exported from Crazytalk 8 then used in Character Creator and exported to Clone looks nothing like Wayne Rooney any more.
3. How can I replicate his hair style? This link states design your own hair etc
http://www.reallusion.com/iClone/character-creator/custom-outfit.html but I don't see how I can do this.
Any helps or tips appreciated.
Steve Warby