Armstrong (10/21/2009)
Do you know, this is one thing I havent tried yet. Good for you for being the more adventurous. I had a theory once with a particular particle effect that if you had someone killed (however) and replaced them with a graphics of them in that pose, but as a particle effect that thereafter transitioned into nothing, it might have been imrpessive. :cool:
But, as in true animator style, this craft takes time and I cant try the things all at once. Its a piece by piece thing. :)
hi, Armstrong..that's a fact, not being able to 'try all things at once'.....well i guess great minds think alike,lol , cause i've been thinking about scenarios similar to the one you just mentioned, and trying the 'human fade to ghost' effect was next on my 'to do' list.....will post any progress i make in that area.
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