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Help making Avatar for takling mirror (using C# with TTS)

Posted By thijse 9 Years Ago
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Help making Avatar for takling mirror (using C# with TTS)

Posted 9 Years Ago
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Last Active: 9 Years Ago
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In a few weeks my daughter will turn 5 and, as a present, I am making a talking mirror for her: behind a semi-reflective mirror I placed a monitor that displays information about the day to come: I run a C# .NET/WPF application that fetches our family's Google Calendar and shows whether it is a school-day or not, who is going bring an pick her up from school, how many nights until her birthday, etc. 
Additionally, I am using the Microsoft TTS speech engine with a Dutch SAPI5 voice, to narrate the story. 

Until yesterday, I thought I was nearly ready. However, I've just come across CrazyTalk, and am now thinking how much of a hero I would be to my daughter if her mirror would show Elsa (from Frozen, obviously) would tell her about her day.

Long introduction, now the question: would I be able to make an animated Avatar that talks synchronously with my (dynamically generated) text? Is there an easy way to integrate the avatar in a C# application?  Can I use parts of the Unity plugin without Unity?

So, now for some emotional blackmail: if anybody could help me get this to work, it would make a little girl enormously happy!!

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