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How do I tell iC where my content is located?

Posted By homyakchik 9 Years Ago
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How do I tell iC where my content is located?

Posted 9 Years Ago
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Last Active: 9 Years Ago
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Noob, just so everyone knows. During installation, I pointed the templates and content folders to my own choice (in this case, D:\Graphics\3D Art\iClone, with the usual Templates and such). Not an awful lot seems to be displaying.

Found some free iC content, and copied/installed it into those Template and content directories. Yet nothing shows up in the content windows in the program itself. This morning, I got some really long error messages about "missing folders"; in particular, it looked very much like iC had tried to build a new folder hierarchy where I'd told it to put templates and content, and then wasn't finding it.

Just for the record, I don't let programs store the content I use/create anywhere near my C: drive (only for the OS), and especially not in some warren in my User directory. (DAZ Studio and 3DS Max are both bad about this too, until you smack them around.)

Looked around the forums, but found nothing relating to this. Looked around the program, but the only preferences pop-up I can find offers no choice at all for setting the content directories the program should use. Is there a different way to set these in iClone, or a different part of the program to go to?

Davey (frustrated with iC's flakiness, but still intriguied. The Crazy Talk trial was actually pretty fun and productive)

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