Thanks, it does help me understand the pivot essentials a bit more.
So far this is where I'm at and where I got stuck:
- I have aligned the pivots of each mesh within iClone that will have movement -tested them with rotation and they all look good -The parts and pivot alignment has been adjusted to move robotic
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Each part is a sub-prop so I can assign a variety of Indigo materials.
I have not decided whether to use the dragon clone bone or not because even though I probably could scale the bones and maybe delete a few in another program (to me it's a bit risky because I haven't created a rig before) I question whether I can still use the animations that were designed for the Dragon bone clone bone if I deleted a few bones.
I recently purchased a small Rigging and animation program for games called akeytsu and I'm currently watching the video tutorials - it easily accepts iClone bones and has a tut explaining a fairly less painful way how to Rig RL bones in a new mesh. I do have Maya on another computer but again I don't have the knowledge/experience rigging a character from scratch - I've used it mostly for Rendering complex scenes.
What do you think? would the Dragon clone bone system be most appropriate for this model? I didn't want my model to conform to the Dragon clone bone system's overall shape/design since my model is closer to an Asian/Persian dragon- I haven't seen any tutorials on modifying clone bones in iClone or 3rd party to know whether if it would pose problems.
Thanks again for taking the time to explain.
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AMD 4.5 GHz 16 Cores | 128 GB | RTX 4090 | Window11 | Houdini FX 18.5 | Zbrush 2023 | Maya 2014 | Adobe CS6 | Sonar Producer X3 | iC8, CC4 | DTS Master Audio Suite | Perception Neuron 32 Alum Edition | Akeytsu