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Moving Custom Folders to a different hard drive

Posted By Snarp Farkle 10 Years Ago
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Moving Custom Folders to a different hard drive

Snarp Farkle
Snarp Farkle
Posted 10 Years Ago
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I'm running out of hard drive space and wanted to move the custom folders to another drive but can't get iC6 to find it when I do, I remeber reading about the process when iC6 first came out but have searched the forum for hours and can't find anything on how to do this.

Can someone point me in the right direction please and thank you?

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Posted 10 Years Ago
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The only way I know how to do this is to edit the registry (using regedit).

Anytime you do this you run a risk of really screwing things up, but IMX I've never had problems.  You just go in and change the directories there and it will point to whatever you want (I had to do this since my C: drive is an SSD and all my content was really eating up space.  Now it's off on one of my hard drives and everything works fine).

If you want details let me know (you can also search here for "regedit" and find them).

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Mike "ex-genius" Kelley
Posted 10 Years Ago
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Here is one thread that discusses what to do: https://forum.reallusion.com/220315/Relocate-document-and-contents-for-Iclone. It involves indeed editing the registry.

Snarp Farkle
Snarp Farkle
Posted 9 Years Ago
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:w00t:[[[ UPDATE ]]]  Rather lengthy!
Also see the [:exclamation: EDITED UPDATE :exclamation:] below.

I forgot to update this thread when I figured out how to move my content to an external USB drive. Thanks to animagic and Kelleytoons for stepping up to help.  Kelleytoons was correct in that the only way to do this is to edit the registry for the location of the new drive and animagic's post; Relocate-document-and-contents-for-Iclone led me in the right direction, but I wanted to be a little more thorough about the procedure for others with small hard drives to follow, so this is what I did, using animagic's post as a starting point, to move all my custom folders and template folders to a USB STATA drive freeing up over 170 gigs of hard drive space and have everything work correctly.

Hold the "Windows" key down and press "R", this will open the "Run box", (or if you have one, click on the start button and click "Run"), type "regedit" without the quotes and press enter and the registry editor will open.

:exclamation:BACKUP THE REGISTRY BEFORE CHANGING ANYTHING!:exclamation:   This is important, to do this go to "File\ Export" and you will be prompted to give the save file a name, I suggest using the date and "New Folder Locations" or something to that effect then save it to your documents folder or desktop so you can find it easily in case you need to.  I don't want any hate mail if you screw things up!! :D  You can open this saved file in NotePad and make these changes in it if you want and import it back to the registry, if you go this route export the registry twice so that you still have a backup.

Navigate to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Reallusion\iClone\6.0, then on the right look for, and double click on:
:arrow:Custom Data  :arrow:You'll see a popup box with your current custom folder's location, as in "C:\Users\Pubic\Documents\Reallusion\Custom\iClone 6 Custom".
You want to change everything BEFORE :arrow:"\Reallusion\Custom\iClone 6 Custom" and all this entails is typing in your new drive letter with a colon and forward slash in place of "C:\Users\Pubic\Documents" so that it looks like this: "G:\Reallusion\Custom\iClone 6 Custom" using your drive letter where "G" is.  I then just copied the "G:\" and highlighted "\Pubic\Documents" and pasted it in it's place for the remainder of the changes.   If you only want to move the custom folders and not the template folders then look for any entries that have "Pubic\Documents" AND "Custom" in them, I've indicated them with the yellow arrows ":arrow:"
:arrow:Custom Data
:arrow:Custom Motion Folder
:arrow:Shared Custom Data...  I changed this one too because I have iC5 installed and had moved these custom folders as a test run, I also had shortcut links for iC5's custom folders in iC6's custom folders and was finding a blank, white icon in iC6 with ".link" under them, this icon is just a placeholder for the proper folder's location and you can right click on it, select "Find File" and it will take you to the shortcut where you can right click on it, select properties, then change the shortcut's link right there in the "General" tab, then press "Apply" and "OK" and instantly your files will appear in iC6 as they used to.
:exclamationmark: to change the "Template" folders location.
Motion Folder   (TEMPLATE FOLDER)
Shared Template Data (TEMPLATE FOLDER)
Template Data  (TEMPLATE FOLDER)
Texture Blend  (TEMPLATE FOLDER)
Texture Diffuse  (TEMPLATE FOLDER)
Texture Opacity  (TEMPLATE FOLDER)
Texture Reflection  (TEMPLATE FOLDER)
Texture Specular      (TEMPLATE FOLDER)
EXAMPLE: change...    "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Template\iClone 6 Template\iClone Template\Texture\Specular" to "G:\Reallusion\Template\iClone 6 Template\iClone Template\Texture\Specular" replacing "G" with your drive letter, same procedure as the custom folders, once done exit RegEdit.

Now this is where I went to my C:\Users\Pubic\Documents\Reallusion and right clicked on it, copied it, then went to my new USB drive and pasted it.  This took quite a while to copy all the content over since I wanted to move the "custom" files and the "template" files, but if you are only wanting to move the "custom" folders that you have changed locations for in the registry, then go into the "Custom" folder and select "iClone 6 Custom", "iClone 5 Custom", etc. and copy those folders and paste them in your new drive in a "Reallusion\Custom" empty folder that you'll need to create.  Don't delete the original custom folders until you've opened iClone and see that your custom files are where they should be, right click on a few, select "Find File" and look to see if it's located in your new drive, if it is then all is well and you can delete the folders you've made copies of!

Hope this helps someone else! :satisfied:

[:exclamation: EDITED UPDATE :exclamation:]

As it turns out in Windows 10 and maybe 8 there's another set of registry entries for Reallusion custom and template folders.  Thanks to the development team's suggestions, I found them located in; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Reallusion, Because I missed these The RLDownloader got confused and was giving me a pop up box that said I didn't have enough drive space to install the download.  Once I changed these locations too I was able to download and install to my template folders on my new drive with no problems.

So to prevent having the same mistake this is what I suggest; once you've exported your Registry as a backup, make sure to click on the "Computer" icon at the top, go to "Edit-Find" and paste "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\ Custom" (without the quotes) then click on "Find Next", now be patient and it will start searching the registry and show you the first one it finds and highlight it.  Double click on it and change the location to your new folder's location as described above.  Then press "F3" and it will find the next entry and make your changes there, and keep doing that until you get a popup that says it can't locate them anymore.  Then repeat the find and change process using "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Shared Custom", you need to do this if you've moved your custom folders so iClone knows where to look.

If you are moving your Template folders too then repeat the same process but search for "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Templates" then "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Shared Templates".  If this has gotten too confusing just PM me and I'll get back to you.

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Acer Aspire V Nitro Laptop,  2.5GHz Intel Core i5-7300HQ processor with 6MB cache,  256GB solid state drive, 16GB Ram,  4 GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti graphics.

Posted 5 Years Ago
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Thank you so much for this!  I've just moved my folders for iClone and Character Creator to another drive and this helped me big time.
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Hey Folks,
I need to make this change, but has there been a change in approach in the past 4 years?
would be nice if someone could answer.
Reallusion 2020 <3
Posted 5 Years Ago
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carlo1981 (6/11/2020)
Hey Folks,
I need to make this change, but has there been a change in approach in the past 4 years?
would be nice if someone could answer.
Reallusion 2020 <3

The approach is still the same, unfortunately...:crazy:

Posted 4 Years Ago
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In doing a registry search, I noticed a whole bunch of references to c:\user\public\documents\reallusion in:
However, I'm unable to change the location (maybe it's just a name?).  
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Over the years I've come to the conclusion the easiest way is just to use the Hub and uninstall and reinstall (and during the reinstall specify the folders you want).

You won't lose anything (although it's always good to have your stuff backed up anyway) and it's quick and painless.  MUCH easier and with less risk than messing with the registry (which I used to do all the time).

The Hub pretty well manages things so this is now the only way I recommend to folks.

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Mike "ex-genius" Kelley
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Good suggestion!  I'll try that next time.  I successfully moved everything, but I do have a lot of years of experience editing the registry, so I think I'm careful enough to get it done.  I do agree however, that it's often better not to mess with the registry if you're not sure.


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