Alon Dan
Alon Dan
Posted 10 Years Ago
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 4 Years Ago
Posts: 136,
Visits: 350
Hello All,I made this weird ugly cloth thinggy for practice purposes, so far so good!I've imported it as a prop, (OBJ file from 3DXchange) then I used "Attach" on the Spine_02 (it's a basic CC female)The problem: I'm not sure how to solve the Weight Maps on the Sleeves and on the dress together as one image... It's much easier to accomplish for a dress with no sleeves with a single gradient Black to White. But in the future I want to make sleeves... so it is a good chance to practice and learn how to solve this.Can somebody here give me an example of a weight map that will work good on something similar to this dress and it's sleeves?Maybe it's easy but I'm very new to this and trying to learn from experimenting so I can't really solve everything, hopefully you guys can help me out here, Thanks ahead! :)
* Sorry about my bad English.
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