This month, let's BATTLE for the contest prizes. Animate anything about battle to join the contest. Choose your excelled battle movie types and show your creativity and present the best battle animation ever!
How to join
1. Find your idea
You can submit anything about “Battle”, so be creative.
2. Get the actors and scenes you need and animate
Once you've decided your battle movie idea, then its time to find the content you need in the Content Store or Marketplace. We also collected lots of useful content for this competition in the Content Store Theme Promotion, inside you might find content for different types of battle content such as sci-fi, fantasy, modern war, and more.
3. Post your submission
Upload your video to an open platform such as YouTube and Vimeo. Then, add a topic with your video link and video name under this forum.
Period: From 06/19/2014 to 07/18/2014
Submission Deadline: 07/18/2014 (11:59 p.m. EST)
Qualification: Reallusion Members who own iClone EX, Standard, or PRO
Video Length: 1 minute (The longer is acceptable.)
No copyright infringement: music, video, or images.
Entrants may submit up to three (3) videos for award consideration.
The followings are the award for this contest. Each award winner will win a copy of the coming iClone content pack, Toon Maker 2 (Worth $99.95).
The Funniest Battle
The Most Unfair Battle
The Best Fantasy Battle
The Best Sci-fi Battle
The Best Epic Battle
The Best Battel Character
Bruce (RL)
Forum Moderator
Reallusion, Inc.