Capemedia (4/21/2014)
Hi Bruce,
You've not had a good old fashion animation / film making comp for some time. I think the dancing one was the last?
You generally do a comp to coincide with the release of a new pack, Halloween, War, Dance etc. Why not just have a animation short comp.
Produce the best animation you can in under 5 minutes. No limits and lets see what this program can really do, no shackles, no restrictions, no set themes and let the quality flow :w00t:
Now that would be great :)
But just my thoughts :D
Cape out!"
The Forum already has a "film-making comp", Colin ;) - The Annual Pinhead Community Projects, which are predominately iClone, these days.
Some of the best iClone Films ever made have been submitted, over the years.
Esteemed iClone Animators such as Gabe, Big Boss, Mark, Peter Martin, Wolf.............Have contributed, with new Talent every year. :)
I'm not a Pinhead Annual Community Projects Committee Member - Just a Promoter, together with other dedicated Pinhead Fans.
That being-said, I'd like to see the Projects reaching-out to a wider Community in the German & French Forums, rather that just the English. Maybe Reallusion could help, in that respect?
Reallusion have very generously donated some great prizes, over the years. :)
New Pinhead Website & Project to be announced in September 2015