Dear Users 3DXchange5 Pre-launch Special:
Reallusion will be releasing its next super weapon - 3DXchange 5 in early Q2 of 2012. One of the most significant features is the capability to bring in any bi-ped character from other 3D software like DAZ4, Maya, MotionBuilder, 3ds Max (Standard bone, Character Studio), and Blender. 3DX5 will also be able to bring in human motions from FBX and BVH mocap files. Yes, it’s coming; the time to unify all popular 3d character assets with iClone is here! Is this awesome or what?
Not only this, but to complete the animation pipeline- 3DX5 will also be able to export characters and motions to most 3D tools and game engines through FBX and BVH formats. This will open up a whole new world for iClone users and content developers, providing them with more animation freedom to seamlessly work with the entire 3D animation community.
In the 1st preview announcement you can read how characters from DAZ, Maya, Motion Builder and Character Studio can be brought into iClone for real-time animation. Later on, we will be sharing with you how iClone can export character, and motions, to other animation and game creation platforms.
If you feel as excited as we are, then leave your comments and expectations under this thread. We promise to read them and pass them onto our developers!
Recruiting Professional Beta Testers for Motion and Character Conversion Pipeline
In order to make the best tool for you, Reallusion is currently recruiting power users for 3DXchange5's Beta test. If you are skilled in tools like Maya, 3ds Max, DAZ, Blender, Cinema4D, Lightwave, Shade, Second Life, IMVU or game engines like Unity3D, or Unreal; then please post your name, a list of the 3D tools you master, and samples(video or images) of your creations made with these tools on this thread. Reallusion will then select the most suitable candidates to participate in the Closed Beta program. Once you are selected, then you will have early access to the 3DX5 Beta program, and participate in the development process for this new dream tool. Beta partners will also get the chance to be featured on the Reallusion website with their cool designs, and rewarded with a free, official release program.
3DXchange5 Version & Upgrade Policy
From now on until the official launch date, any new purchase of 3DXchange4 (full/upgrade) will be eligible for a free copy of 3DXchange5 Standard or PRO.
There will be 3 versions in 3DXchange5. Please see the table below for more ideas. The official price will be announced on the final launch.

Current 3DXchange4 purchase users will get a premium price to help them upgrade to the Pipeline version. All 3DXchange4 old users will have special upgrade prices as well.
All the best
Reallusion, Inc.
Forum Moderator
Reallusion, Inc.