3DXchange5 Preview Videos

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By Visconti - 13 Years Ago
Dear Users

3DXchange5 Pre-launch Special: http://www.reallusion.com/event/12-3dx5pre/

Reallusion will be releasing its next super weapon - 3DXchange 5 in early Q2 of 2012. One of the most significant features is the capability to bring in any bi-ped character from other 3D software like DAZ4, Maya, MotionBuilder, 3ds Max (Standard bone, Character Studio), and Blender. 3DX5 will also be able to bring in human motions from FBX and BVH mocap files.  Yes, it’s coming; the time to unify all popular 3d character assets with iClone is here! Is this awesome or what?

Not only this, but to complete the animation pipeline- 3DX5 will also be able to export characters and motions to most 3D tools and game engines through FBX and BVH formats. This will open up a whole new world for iClone users and content developers, providing them with more animation freedom to seamlessly work with the entire 3D animation community.

In the 1st preview announcement you can read how characters from DAZ, Maya, Motion Builder and Character Studio can be brought into iClone for real-time animation. Later on, we will be sharing with you how iClone can export character, and motions, to other animation and game creation platforms.

If you feel as excited as we are, then leave your comments and expectations under this thread. We promise to read them and pass them onto our developers!

Recruiting Professional Beta Testers for Motion and Character Conversion Pipeline

In order to make the best tool for you, Reallusion is currently recruiting power users for 3DXchange5's Beta test. If you are skilled in tools like Maya, 3ds Max, DAZ, Blender, Cinema4D, Lightwave, Shade, Second Life, IMVU or game engines like Unity3D, or Unreal; then please post your name, a list of the 3D tools you master, and samples(video or images) of your creations made with these tools on this thread. Reallusion will then select the most suitable candidates to participate in the Closed Beta program. Once you are selected, then you will have early access to the 3DX5 Beta program, and participate in the development process for this new dream tool. Beta partners will also get the chance to be featured on the Reallusion website with their cool designs, and rewarded with a free, official release program.

3DXchange5 Version & Upgrade Policy

From now on until the official launch date, any new purchase of 3DXchange4 (full/upgrade) will be eligible for a free copy of 3DXchange5 Standard or PRO. 
There will be 3 versions in 3DXchange5. Please see the table below for more ideas. The official price will be announced on the final launch.

Current 3DXchange4 purchase users will get a premium price to help them upgrade to the Pipeline version. All 3DXchange4 old users will have special upgrade prices as well.

All the best
Reallusion, Inc.

By Bigboss - 13 Years Ago
Wow! Magnificant! :)

Can't wait to try this !!!  

By sal of salmar productions - 13 Years Ago
This is GREAT - I can't wait !

- although it appears (with my limited modeling knowledge) that the characters from other programs such as Daz studio...will be brought into Iclone - not able to use facial animation - is that right? or am I missing something?

By Peter.n - 13 Years Ago
Looks great.
I would like to test it but i am no professionel. I am omly a hobbiest.
So i think i must wait.
By Bigus - 13 Years Ago
sal of salmar productions (2/3/2012)
that the characters from other programs such as Daz studio...will be brought into Iclone - not able to use facial animation - is that right? or am I missing something?

Wanted to ask just that!
By sal of salmar productions - 13 Years Ago
See Bigus - Great minds do think alike !!! :hehe:
By Bigus - 13 Years Ago
Thanks for the compliment, sal...

By Sen - 13 Years Ago
Facial animation for DAZ character is morph animation (vertex animation ). Their Morph animation is no drive by bones . Curently , you can't import morph animation into 3dx 5 .
By sal of salmar productions - 13 Years Ago
Thanks Sen - so I take it that the facial animation will be possible with-in Iclone because it is not driven by bones ? or will facial animation will just not be possible at all period. Need clarification....Thanks. (from a modeling challenged person)
By Sen - 13 Years Ago
yes , morph animation is actually no possible to import into iclone , without a lot of work into 3dsmax .
By bluemidget666 - 13 Years Ago
Does this convert a DAZ character into a Iclone character that can take Iclone motions ... But miffed about no facial animation TBH ...
By HD13 - 13 Years Ago
There is no reference to free upgrade in cart when trying to purchase v4 upgrade, so how does one know there really will be free upgrade to 5 once released?
By hutchartwork - 13 Years Ago
bluemidget666 (2/3/2012)
Does this convert a DAZ character into a Iclone character that can take Iclone motions ... But miffed about no facial animation TBH ...

No facial animation would make the figures useless as leading characters (even zombies have hungry, snarling --instead of stoic-- expressions on their faces); they'd be good as distant-background extras, or figures with their backs turned to the camera, or their faces veiled/masked, but that's about it. :/ Hopefully, Reallusion will be able to add facial animation some time in the Beta phase, or, if it's too late for that, in a later update.
By Cricky - 13 Years Ago
I see some great possibilities here...

So, can you tell I'm interested ?


By almushigah - 13 Years Ago
omg i am really very exited , its a huge adding to iclone library and will give us a lot of characters variations and sources :w00t:

hopefuly facial expression can be added to daz characters at least :) if so then we want nothing else really :D

thanks alot for this amazing addition .
By sal of salmar productions - 13 Years Ago
Thanks Sen Got it. Thanks for the clarification.
By RobertoColombo - 13 Years Ago
The Dump question from a Newbie: for those who do not own any expensive SW like Maya or 3DS Max, what does 3DXchange5 offer to a iClone users?
I know that I can access Google 3D Warehouse (and this is already very interesting) and I know I can convert characters form DAZ3D (but 1st I still to learn how to use this SW...).
What else ?
I do not own anyone of the above-mentioned expensive SW, so I can't basically create any iProp, right ?
Because my understanding (correct me if wrong), is that 3DXchange can't be used to create iProp from a 3D model downloaded from Google 3D Warehouse.
Which actually is what I would like to do, i.e., get a free 3D model, breaking it into parts, creating some custom animations (for example, a car, where a door opens), and saving them into an iProp.
Again, if this is possible, I wish to know how to do that.
By bluemidget666 - 13 Years Ago
I just want to be clear does this convert a fbx character into a Iclone character that can take Iclone motions ?
By planetstardragon - 13 Years Ago
@RobertoColombo - check out these tutorials. - there are 4 in this series

1 http://youtu.be/A761MT-fibc
2 http://youtu.be/YA6p9x21QMI
3 http://youtu.be/3cqETcSGyr8
4 http://youtu.be/cffapp5upBM
By tylerzambori - 13 Years Ago
bluemidget666 (2/3/2012)
I just want to be clear does this convert a fbx character into a Iclone character that can take Iclone motions ?

yeah, I would like to know that too. Please.
By wendyluvscatz - 13 Years Ago
From what I can see, it retargets the bones so it does!
Frankensteining a Reallusion head would work,
like I did in my video
you can export the head and put it through faceshop for example or use iClone's inhouse head shaper with front Daz renders
By guidocornia_20100928110210516 - 13 Years Ago
Will Xchange 5 import an obj file and put bones on it?


By RobertoColombo - 13 Years Ago
Thanks planetstardragon

But there one point that I am still missing.
In those video, the animation is only for a short set of sub-prop movements, that is not going to be repeated once the robot starts moving.
I wonder if in 3DXchange is possible to create real iProps, embedding "perform" animations, so that once imported into iClone, the animations are easily available as right-click perform options.
Wouldn't this be a great enhancement to 3DXchange ?
By Visconti - 13 Years Ago
Dear users, the facial animation is not included in this version yet, but it's a planned feature in the future release (5.x) for sure. :)
By Sen - 13 Years Ago
Hi Visconti ,

Facial animation with bones ok , but morph animation ?
By RobertoColombo - 13 Years Ago
Hi Visconti,

is it planned also an enhancement in order to create iProp from non-iProp imported 3D model (i.e. models that have no embedded animations?).
It would be nice if we could shape some prop movements within 3DXchange and embed them as "perfom" iProp once the object is exported to iClone.

Would this be possible ?
By Sen - 13 Years Ago
it's much easier to make anim for prop into iclone . Make anim , collect clip , name , auto add a perfom in right click menu . Remove animation , and remake another anim and collect clip ... all anim are add in the perform menu .
By STooldio - 13 Years Ago
I'm thrilled! This is perfect! :w00t:

The great challenge now is to figure what might be missing. Nothing! :D

Congratulations Reallusion!

By hutchartwork - 13 Years Ago
STooldio (2/4/2012)
I'm thrilled! This is perfect! :w00t:

The great challenge now is to figure what might be missing. Nothing! :D

Congratulations Reallusion!

Yes, indeedy! This is VERY good news, especially after hearing facial animations will be included in the next update. :w00t:
By bluemidget666 - 13 Years Ago
Dear users, the facial animation is not included in this version yet, but it's a planned feature in the future release (5.x) for sure.
That is good news and good timing with Daz Pro been free right now ...
By Razor Ramon - 13 Years Ago
I've read about the exportation of CHARACTERS and MOTIONS, but what about PROPS ?
By planetstardragon - 13 Years Ago
we were able to export props in 3DX4 , so I do not see why not. There may be certain props that won't be able to be exported though, I believe that while certain things are royalty free, they are royalty free within the iclone system - not royalty free as in export and sell somewhere else.
By Peter.n - 13 Years Ago
Visconti (2/4/2012)
Dear users, the facial animation is not included in this version yet, but it's a planned feature in the future release (5.x) for sure. :)

Now i don't understand why recrute beta-tester if already planed a update.
By Rampa - 13 Years Ago
This looks wonderful for pulling in all sorts of different skeleton rigs into iClone to use iClone animations. Super cool Reallusion team.

I am wondering about the other direction. After I have re-targeted the bones the RL bones, can I get my original skeleton back out to another program with iClone animations? Or do I need to basically export an "iCloned" skeleton to use elsewhere.

I am curious if iClone can be a go-to program to create new animations for other game engines.
By Sifr - 13 Years Ago
Daz Hexagon & Brice are free 4 a limited time http://www.daz3d.com/get it in time 4 the arrival of 3d exchange 5 to offset your costs
By Bigus - 13 Years Ago
Visconti (2/4/2012)
Dear users, the facial animation is not included in this version yet, but it's a planned feature in the future release (5.x) for sure. :)

I'll wait for this, thank you.

Serious animation perspective:
Bringing in a lot of characters with a dead face - USELESS.

If you want lifeless pre-visualization / dull dance clip / ignorable background figures - the new version will do.

And no, it does not matter where the figure comes from, Maya, DAZ, C4D or Messiah.

Although this is a nice progression.
By Dreamcube017 - 13 Years Ago
Exporting animations??... this... I... I... this... *explodes with anticipation*

But wait... how are the licensing rights going to go with purchased iCLone characters?

I'm guessing it's goonna work kinda how DAZ works?
By Dreamcube017 - 13 Years Ago
Hmm this has probably been asked...

But if we upgrade to PRO now... how much will PipeLine cost?
By W.VEEKE - 13 Years Ago
Hi, i am interesting in testing the new exchange 5. I use many different software. I can not wait to try it. Till now i did not hear wenn the testing starts.
By animagic - 13 Years Ago
Bigus (2/8/2012)
I'll wait for this, thank you.

Serious animation perspective:
Bringing in a lot of characters with a dead face - USELESS.

Some people are really quick to dismiss anything you give them... :sick: I'll stop here before I get upset and then I won't be able to sleep... :doze:

By Dreamcube017 - 13 Years Ago
I guess nobody read that the facial stuff is coming... although I DO wish it was through target morphs.

Still... I'd like to know, if I upgrade to Pro now, will upgrading to pipeline be cheaper later?
By Bigus - 13 Years Ago
animagic (2/9/2012)
Bigus (2/8/2012)
I'll wait for this, thank you.

Serious animation perspective:
Bringing in a lot of characters with a dead face - USELESS.

Some people are really quick to dismiss anything you give them... :sick:I'll stop here before I get upset and then I won't be able to sleep... :doze:

I am very sorry if my words made ​​you uncomfortable.
Waited with anticipation for this update,and expressed my feelings when I realized that we didn't reached the destination yet.

Then again, we're makein' progress.

By animagic - 13 Years Ago
Hi Bigus, that's OK, I have recovered... :)
By jamye - 13 Years Ago
i have a huge lib of daz3d characters, only usable in poser and carrara. Most work was for limited use ( attny, etc). i also have daz scenery library also.

I have 3DXchange ver 4 and have been using iclone since 2.5. i have iclone5 with Kinect unit 

would you consider me please. I believe i can bring the novice prospective to the beta table.

i have used iclone4/5 in several video contest venus ( 11 sofa) also. the are 30 / 60 min spots with a commerical product message.

i currently use 3DXchange to pull Google / daz3d objects into iclone also

thank you for your consideration 


By Dreamcube017 - 13 Years Ago
MAN I need 3DX5 to come out. I'm wanting to get some characters into Unity, and I know 3DX5's gonna make this super easy with animation and stuff being able to leave iClone.
By Peter (RL) - 13 Years Ago
bluemidget666 (2/3/2012)
I just want to be clear does this convert a fbx character into a Iclone character that can take Iclone motions ?

I think this has been answered but just to clarify.

3DXchange5 will allow you to convert avatars with bones or biped to a Non-Standard Character. This means that it will be able to accept all iClone Motions but body parts such as Uppers, Lowers etc will not be able to be interchanged with other avatars.

By Paumanok West - 13 Years Ago
Peter (RL) (2/25/2012)
bluemidget666 (2/3/2012)
I just want to be clear does this convert a fbx character into a Iclone character that can take Iclone motions ?

I think this has been answered but just to clarify.

3DXchange5 will allow you to convert avatars with bones or biped to a Non-Standard Character. This means that it will be able to accept all iClone Motions but body parts such as Uppers, Lowers etcwill not be able to be interchanged with other avatars.

"all iClone Motions"--all body motions, but *not* facial animation.
By Peter (RL) - 13 Years Ago
Paumanok West (2/25/2012)

"all iClone Motions"--all body motions, but *not* facial animation.

As already mentioned previously in this thread Facial Animation will be coming later. However most Non-Standard Characters do not use standard iClone facial animation anyway.

So just to reiterate in case there is any confusion, you can apply any standard iClone motion file to a Non-Standard Character. This is not possible with Non-Human Characters. :)

By tylerzambori - 13 Years Ago
Peter (RL) (2/25/2012)
Paumanok West (2/25/2012)

"all iClone Motions"--all body motions, but *not* facial animation.

As already mentionedpreviously in this thread Facial Animation will be coming later. Howevermost Non-Standard Characters do not use standard iClone facial animation anyway.

So just to reiterate in case there is any confusion, you can apply any standard iClone motion file to a Non-Standard Character. Thisis not possible with Non-Human Characters. :)

The non-standard characters do not use standard Iclone facial animation because they can't.
If they could they would.
By Dreamcube017 - 13 Years Ago
tylerzambori (2/25/2012)
Peter (RL) (2/25/2012)
Paumanok West (2/25/2012)

"all iClone Motions"--all body motions, but *not* facial animation.

As already mentionedpreviously in this thread Facial Animation will be coming later. Howevermost Non-Standard Characters do not use standard iClone facial animation anyway.

So just to reiterate in case there is any confusion, you can apply any standard iClone motion file to a Non-Standard Character. Thisis not possible with Non-Human Characters. :)

The non-standard characters do not use standard Iclone facial animation because they can't.
If they could they would.

To elaborate, they most likely can't because of the bone structure in them. However, if your nonstandard character just HAPPENS to come with a BONE BASED face rig, you can still use it, just not through the facial animation thing.

The Jam Band characters are a good example.
By larryjbiz - 13 Years Ago
Would you be able to save facial animation during the export to 3dxchange and have them saved under the perform option in iclone?


By Dreamcube017 - 13 Years Ago
sw00000p (2/25/2012)
[b]Dreamcube017 (2/25/2012)
To elaborate, they most likely can't because of the bone structure in them. However, if your nonstandard character just HAPPENS to come with a BONE BASED face rig, you can still use it, just not through the facial animation thing.

Using 3dxchange 5, If you import a character, created with Bones or Biped,
containing a bone based face rig, "Along with multiple Roll and Weapon Bones"....

* Will iClone 5 display your custom bones within it's hierarchy?
* Will iClone 5 "Export" your custom rig, "Completely Intact?"
* How will "Unused" bones be exported? Will they?:w00t:

Later, when iClone 5 will recognize "Facial bone based" importation, thru 3dxchange 5.
* Will the "imported" face rigged skeleton, "Require a special naming convention?:w00t:

Those are some great questions.

I hope all unused bones DO stay intact. Although if the biped is set up strangely with different bones in different places, the animations could come out wrong... although you could test that in 3DX5 from the start.

MAN I can't WAIT for this version.

I wish they'd hurry and come out with some more vids about EXPORTING animations FROM 3DX.
By larryjbiz - 13 Years Ago
In Daz with the FBX exporter you can save animations(never tried exporting facial animations) I'm now having trouble with the export. So I haven't been able to try.

But could you export face animations out to 3dXchange 5. And then have them in the perform tab in Iclone.  If I save different facial animations to export to 3dXchange 5, could I separate those animations and have them appear in the perform tab in Iclone.

If that were the guess, at leastt I could save multiple face animations for a charater, and call them as needed in the perform tab.

I don't know how I would handle the mouth movement yet for speech, but I could at least save different emotional expressions.


By Dreamcube017 - 13 Years Ago
sw00000p (2/25/2012)
[b]Dreamcube017 (2/25/2012
I hope all unused bones DO stay intact. Although if the biped is set up strangely with different bones in different places, the animations could come out wrong... although you could test that in 3DX5 from the start.

I wish they'd hurry and come out with some more vids about EXPORTING animations FROM 3DX.


By this statement, " Although if the biped is set up strangely with different bones in different places, the animations could come out wrong."

As Old as Biped is.... Biped must be new to you!

You could attach Dozens of bones to Biped:
* Animate them with helpers, controllers, scripts, etc...

As Biped uses TPC controllers...
~ You could have the hands/Feet follow "Object or World Space"
~ Simulate weight & Balance
~ Apply or Mix different Upper & Lower Body Motions!
All With Dozens of Xtra Bones!!!!!

Objects can easily follow biped, conversely biped can easily follow objects!
~ What do mean, "Strange Places!" or "Animation Come Out Wrong?" ~:P

Might be a good idea to... learn how to use Biped! :crying:

It's "WISE" to understand Biped TPC controllers before tackling...
CAT "Matrix" & Meta Controllers!

As cat is far easier to animate... You put the horse before the cart... You'll Never Learn!:w00t:

Tip: The magic is controllered through the... "Dope Sheet";)

Wow well I'll just keep hammin' around until I figure it out.
By larryjbiz - 13 Years Ago
So I did give it a try (exporting face animation) to Xchange. No go. I guess because there are no bones involved.

But isn't the face animations done by morphing. I see there is a option to output morphs.

Is there no way to save multiple morphs and apply them in the timeline?


By wendyluvscatz - 13 Years Ago
Larry, before anyone else scares you with MAX talk (don't scare the newbs with terminology Sw00000p) FBX supports morphs but iClone does not.
Everything in there is done by keyframing positions of whole meshes or by bone influence on it, not by morphing (mesh movement by deformation).
With Daz and Poser we have been spoilt, a lot of the game engines only use bones too, it is too demanding I assume for the program to handle the extra calculations and information needed and still render in realtime.
(Sw00000p no doubt will correct me on this :hehe: and I prob will not understand a thing he says!)
The only solution would be to create facial bones to move the mesh deformed by the morph targets, MAX which Sw00000p uses has a tool to do this, we would have to select and weightpaint induvidual vertices, so far in Carrara (my software of choice) my efforts have been truely frightening!!!
Esp with Daz meshes and I need to detach the skeleton first losing existing weightpainting, may actually be easier in Studio4 &Poser in conjuction with Hexagon to create new shading domains on each of the morph areas as shading domains are used for bone influence.
(I have yet to learn how to rig in Studio or Poser though I have both, Carrara too easy as it is just bone alignment and weightpainting)
my biggest issue so far is detaching the skeleton loses the morphs too in Carrara as the figures are locked and the only way to detach bones from a Daz mesh is to do something radical like converting to other modeler, exporting as obj or applying smoothing to break it!
I believe with figure set up tools or content creation tools you may not need to do this, but
I do not know anything about doing Daz/Poser rigging through pure laziness mostly
(I can buy perfectly nice rigged models so no need to learn :cool: they work fine in Studio,Poser AND Carrara!!)
just not completely in iClone!

By Dreamcube017 - 13 Years Ago
There are some game engines that do use point morphs. (Unreal and CryEngine) and I'm sure more are being added.

Yeah, iClone only takes bone and full mesh aniamtions, no morphs which is kinda lame but meh.

If you have Decimator, you can easily get a DAZ or Poser character to iClone, but still no facial animations.

I can't wait to see what RL has in store for facial animations.
By hutchartwork - 13 Years Ago
sw00000p (2/26/2012)
Miss Wendy,
Plain and basic! Before any fancy tools are implemented...
You Must Weight the Vertices to ALL BONES!

1. Learn to shin properly! <especially the joints>
2. Learn to create morph targets!
~ Result: Facial Animation ~

"Stop relying on softwares to "Create Your Morph Targets"
Until you learn these basic steps...
Your spinning your wheels... Going Nowhere Fast!:blink:


You CAN bring morph targets into "UNITY!"

Look for the Megafires Plugin! This Baby imports 80% of Max's modifiers too!:D
Super fast Morph-O-Matic implementation... with scripts!
An Evolver Character is used on the Demo!

Dude you've got alot to learn!:w00t:

Puh-leeze! :rolleyes: YOU'RE spinning YOUR wheels!
YOUR is a possessive or genitive pronoun and YOU'RE is a contraction of "YOU ARE". :crazy: :D
Dude, you've got a LOT to learn! :D
(Wendy, I wouldn't take him too seriously, not with THAT grammar.) :D
By larryjbiz - 13 Years Ago
Ms.Wendy and Dream, (Hope you don't mind the abbrevs.)

Thanks for the reply, thought I was invisible or my post were to idiotic to deserve attention.

Still may be the last, but thanks for the input.  I kinda felt that was the issue (Morphs).  Like most, I like the idea of bringing some of my characters over from other programs. But without the facial animation, may have to wait.

Not meaning I'm gonna stop trying for a work aroud until then.

Thanks again

By wendyluvscatz - 13 Years Ago
Larry, video compositing is your friend!
I only got 3dxchange4 late last year, been using iClone for over 3years, until others did it, and posted on YouTube I never even thought about bringing my Daz characters into iClone.
Layering videos seemed the obvious thing to do and 99% of the time what I still do!

I do not have a video editor that does layers
Before iClone got avi imput iC3 I used cinegobs keyer and green backgrounds on everything,
then Carrara5pro originally and initially videos with matching alpha copies before I discovered sequenced png's have opacity in Carrara.
(not unfortunately in iClone, still need to render an alpha (b&w mask) video for that)
you just texture planes with your videos and shoot from one camera angle.
You can layer iClone videos with real footage too ofcourse.
Someone pointed out videoing yourself against blue sky and using cinegobs or another chromakey program to remove the background works quite well!
Again you need to make an alpha video for the opacity channel but cinegobs does that too!
By larryjbiz - 13 Years Ago
I didn't take offence sw00000p,

I really didn't know if the question was really silly. No problem, I gain a lot from this forum. And really enjoy Iclone.

Wendy, I have done some work with Popvideo. Have brought over some poser /Daz characters/Animations that way.

The good side, I keep of the composition of characters/ shaders etc.

Downside is it's a little more complcated to compose characters to scene and a lot more time comsuming and rendering. If not correct, I have to go back to external program and redo everything and re render. I know...Lazy/impatient.

But that why I like Iclone so much, the real time manipulations of things

Thanks everyone, and once again. No offense taken. This is a passion I share, and passions...well, sometimes bring passionate responses.

By Dreamcube017 - 13 Years Ago
Since the original question was answered, I'll try to keep this short.

sw00000p (2/26/2012)


You CAN bring morph targets into "UNITY!"

Look for the Megafires Plugin! This Baby imports 80% of Max's modifiers too!:D
Super fast Morph-O-Matic implementation... with scripts!
An Evolver Character is used on the Demo!

Dude you've got alot to learn!:w00t:

While I do have lots to learn, I'm fully aware of Megafiers and am saving up for it. There are many plugins for Unity that can use Morphs. I was just talking about the core engine though.

You've got me on the rigging. I can do some OKAY rigs as I've done those before. I just get lost when it comes to creating all those controllers and stuff.

I really liked Messiah Studio's way of rigging where you could put in some bones and IMMEDIATELY go into Animate mode and start bending the bone to see if it was placed right. I don't like the idea of having to set up half the rig THEN go back and test.Now maybe you CAN do it like this in Max, C4D, and even Blender, but not sure.

I'd probably learn towards blender first as I can use it commercially... well that an Lightwave which I don't like doing animation in anyhow. I'll give CAT another shot... at lest the very basics of a biped rig. They've got some nice documentation as stated before.

But back on topic... I wish iC could use Morphs. ... WEll I wish iC could do LOTS of things. (like the rendering power of CryEngine or Unreal and they're using the same DirectX Platform.)... Oh well, anyhow, guess I'll just keep figuring it out.

Thanks for your support, Sw000000p.
By Cellygon - 13 Years Ago
awesome! when can we expect the release date of 3DXchange5?

I'm in need of 3DXchange but the reason I'm still holding off on purchasing now is because I am waiting for this. :)
By Dreamcube017 - 13 Years Ago
Yeah ok I said I'd give max another try so I will.

While I don't have a subscription to Digital Tutors, I did purchase a DVD set of Max 2012 tutorials from... darn what's the name... can't remember, but it looks pretty good and I'm into the modeling phase of the tutorial.

Morphs in iClone huh? I'll have to look into that.

As for this "finding the easy button" as you always say, I'm not trying to find an easy button... I just don't see why I should have to learn to fly an airship to get something from the walmart down the street.

No matter, when I get some time, I'll continue to mess around and learn stuff in Max.
By planetstardragon - 13 Years Ago
it seems that when it comes to tools, you have 2 types of artists, the concept artist and the finishing artist.....one wishes to spend more time in designing / visualising and sketching out ideas vs the finishing artist that takes existing ideas to the next level with the best available technology.

in music i've done both, one guy comes in with consumer grade equipment with an idea ....so for example done on reason software. I would take their ideas to the next level with pro studio level equipment.

so to insist that someone who is more of a creator / writer / inventor of concepts and ideas to use the highest technology for perfect renders is not a great approach as this only slows their purpose down with technical details that are really not important to their phase of production.

You don't turn steven spielberg into a z-brush modeler / 3DS Max rigger....but you can give him iclone to make a pre-vis to give to his crew.

insisting everyone use 3DS max is not a good casting approach :p

just like you don't tell anyone humming a song idea to learn to play the piano if they want to make a song. Ironically enough the guy humming the song, or drawing stick men to show his movie will have more priority on the copyright than the guy who helped his idea look perfect with the latest technology. One guy is looking to hire people, the other is looking for work.
By menro28 - 13 Years Ago
Hello to all friends iclone, good morning from Spain.
If I upgrade to PRO 3DXChange4 to 5PRO, then I can upgrade to 3DXchange5 Pipeline? It is not waiting until June,:-P
By Sen - 13 Years Ago
Hi ,

From now on until the official launch date, any new purchasers of 3DXchange4 (full/upgrade) will be eligible for a free copy of 3DXchange5 Standard or PRO. A free copy of 3DXchange5 will be delivered to their email inbox within 3 working days after the April launch. Standard and PRO purchase users will get a premium price deal in order to upgrade to the Pipeline version if they later choose to do so.
By Peter (RL) - 13 Years Ago
menro28 (3/13/2012)
Hello to all friends iclone, good morning from Spain.
If I upgrade to PRO 3DXChange4 to 5PRO, then I can upgrade to 3DXchange5 Pipeline? It is not waiting until June,:-P

Yes if you opt for the Pro version of 3DXchange5 in April then you will be able to upgrade again in June to the Pipeline version for a special discounted price.

By menro28 - 13 Years Ago
Good morning friends iclone.

Thank you very much Peter (RL)

By Dreamcube017 - 13 Years Ago
So I am I correct in thinking that upgrading to 4 Pro now will get 5 pro? ... and Pipeline's not out till June? (that's the one I'm really interested in)
By Peter (RL) - 13 Years Ago
Dreamcube017 (3/14/2012)
So I am I correct in thinking that upgrading to 4 Pro now will get 5 pro? ... and Pipeline's not out till June? (that's the one I'm really interested in)

That is correct. You will get 3DXchange5 Pro free. Then if you wish you will be able to upgrade to the Pipeline version when it is released in June for $299.95.

By power - 13 Years Ago

I have exchange 2 IF I upgarde to 4, Will I receive 5 free?  I refer to this of the promotion:

any new purchasers of 3DXchange4 (full/upgrade) will be eligible for a free copy of 3DXchange5 Standard or PRO.



By Peter (RL) - 13 Years Ago
power (3/14/2012)

I have exchange 2 IF I upgarde to 4, Will I receive 5 free?  I refer to this of the promotion:

any new purchasers of 3DXchange4 (full/upgrade) will be eligible for a free copy of 3DXchange5 Standard or PRO.



Yes you will. :)

By moogaloonie - 13 Years Ago
No mention of using 3DXchange to add springs to characters... I was really hoping the upgrade would mean no more needing 3DSMax to access included iClone features.

Otherwise, I will be waiting to see how much this upgrade costs before making any decisions.
By Dreamcube017 - 13 Years Ago
Peter (RL) (3/14/2012)
Dreamcube017 (3/14/2012)
So I am I correct in thinking that upgrading to 4 Pro now will get 5 pro? ... and Pipeline's not out till June? (that's the one I'm really interested in)

That is correct. You will get 3DXchange5 Pro free. Then if you wish you will be able to upgrade to the Pipeline version when it is released in June for $299.95.

So is 299 the upgrade price from 3DXPro 5 or the regular price?
By planetstardragon - 13 Years Ago
what concerns me with that, is when they come out with iclone 6, 3Dx5 will be incompatible again, makes me wonder if i should even upgrade after i have 3DX5 ic5 combo. not sure that there are any new features to add to iclone that would make me want to invest all that money all over again.
By planetstardragon - 13 Years Ago
lol@! be nice!! haha!! i'm serious though, as other 3D software comes out and gets improved... if you can start a basic sketch in iclone and port it out, just go the next level with other software. the freshmen of the time wont have a need for fbx export so it makes sense if you just want to keep it a hobby. but the 500 dollar porting tab makes it a 2nd thought for someone that wants to grow.
By planetstardragon - 13 Years Ago
well this is the first version thats going to port out fbx ...so it's not like we really had this opportunity to be booorn free, as free as the wind blows! ♪ ♫ ♬ lol

by then we would have a 6 - 8 month grace period before upgrades, hence the ability to learn more and not need training wheels. ic5 and 3dx5 would be good enough to say 'no more for me thanks'

starting to wonder if this is something i should have brought up after 3DX5 is released -gulp- :crying: heh!
By planetstardragon - 13 Years Ago
oh autodesk was kind enough to extend the program to me!! i'm still scared of 3DS max though, it gives me mean looks!! heh :blink:
By Dreamcube017 - 13 Years Ago
sw00000p (3/14/2012)
Regular price is $500 bucks. You gotta Dig Deep and shell out $300!:w00t:
That's more than iClone itself!:w00t:

Happy Diggin'
Man, This water is Cold!

Well that just about sums it up for me. I'll just get some BVH files and go to town in Max. (which I actually started using again and it's not so bad afterall.

Don't know if that iClone plugin for Max can import iMotions though.

Also I'm hearing some shifty things about CAT vs. Character Studio. Not sure which one to go with.

To Planet:

Max isn't so bad if you follow the tutorials and the documentation is really nice.
By animatom - 13 Years Ago
Pipline version is expensive, no doubt, but main part of this price are probably COPYRIGHTS of iClone models exported to game engines...
By planetstardragon - 13 Years Ago
@Dream yah, I'm sure I can figure it out ....but seriously speaking, it's a matter of time constraints ...I do so much work offline ....between music, freelancing and promoting, that i really can't afford to spend the extra time rendering and learning new highly advanced things. I specifically look for software that i can figure out without manuals first before investing time into manuals. iclone did a fantastic job of laying it out in a comprehensive way and it's similar to midi programming in logic, which I've done for over 20 years.. being able to crank out decent eye candy for music videos fast is important to me.....eventually though as I learn more, I'm sure max will come easier to me, they just have such a specialized way of thinking, i can't afford the time to invest in learning it just yet. Thats something to do after I get my music industry contacts to see the light with my focus on fusing animation with music.
I'm not the first to do that ...but I may be the first to do it as an indie producer with a serious discography - who makes the video and the music alone. That alone is a helluva job heh, i'm doing it though, i don't sleep anymore, but it's happening :D

ps - as much as I banter here, i really do love iclone and the crowd here, otherwise my life is just too busy to spend any time in places I don't believe in. ♪ ♫ ♬ ♥
By planetstardragon - 13 Years Ago
@RL - you guys need to talk more about your mocap set up in your http://www.reallusion.com/event/12-3dx5pre/ page. imo thats a major point to an experienced animator that checking out iclone for the first time !
By moogaloonie - 13 Years Ago
sw00000p (3/14/2012)
moogaloonie (3/14/2012)
No mention of using 3DXchange to add springs to characters... I was really hoping the upgrade would mean no more needing 3DSMax to access included iClone features.

Otherwise, I will be waiting to see how much this upgrade costs before making any decisions.


3dxchange 5 will have Importing and Exporting capabilities!
If the software of your choice produces "Bone-Base" animation...
3dxchange WILL import all of the animation!

How does 3ds Max allow anyone access to "Included iClone Features????"
If something is "Included" in iClone... Everyone has access to it!

Note: 3dxchange in its best day... will NEVER... replace 3ds Max!:P

I do not know what this "bone-base" animation you are talking about. I am referring to the spring solver listed as an iClone feature, but which requires 3DSMax - specifically 3DSMax - to set up. I believe it was you who told me there was no way to use springs without using Max in the first place. I was hoping we would finally no longer need a separate (expensive) program just to use this one specific capability of iClone, but it seems we still do.
By Dreamcube017 - 13 Years Ago
sw00000p (3/15/2012)
[b]Dreamcube017 (3/15/2012
Don't know if that iClone plugin for Max can import iMotions though.

Also I'm hearing some shifty things about CAT vs. Character Studio. Not sure which one to go with.

What are you hearing that's sooo bad! Each one has its own specailties!
Cat basics are simple!

Cat's real power is learning how to use its "Meta & Maxtrix controllers!
Cat Blows Biped Away!

Although I really enjoy using Mixer and workbench.
Excellent for game anims, BVH and more!

You really should take the time and learn character studio first!
Learn how to use the Dope Sheet with Biped...
Then CAT will be easier to learn!

If you don't.... Cat will be a nightmare, when you get passed the basic stuff!
CAT controllers are a Big Secret... Like ICLONE AML!

Well I heard that although CAT is great, it's rather buggy unless they fiex that.

I heard CS was rather old but DID work.

So CS it is then! Thanks.

Oh, and here's where I've been hearing some things about both of them.


There are other threads too, but I can't find the one I was looking for. (The person wrote an entire story about how CAT totally screwed them over by not animating the bones the right way. Wish I could find it)

By tylerzambori - 13 Years Ago
Do we need a 3Ds max sub-forum around here?

Just wondering....
By planetstardragon - 13 Years Ago
oh please no, then they will want special forum tools, gold stars..and start holding sunday mass handing out 3d flowers n stuff...they smell funny too, keep them spread out.
By bluemidget666 - 13 Years Ago
Pipline version is expensive, no doubt, but main part of this price are probably COPYRIGHTS of iClone models exported to game engines...

If this is true then it isnt that expensive, DAz and Quidam 3 would come in much more costly to create characters for a game and licensed. Quidam wouldnt even give you any animation options now Animeeple has gone bye bye's.
By zeus.macbean - 13 Years Ago
There doesn't seem to be any mention of an upgrade price for existing 3DXchange4 owners.

"From now on until the official launch date, any new purchasers of 3DXchange4 (full/upgrade) will be eligible for a free copy of 3DXchange5 Standard or PRO. "

Kind of sounds like you have to buy it again if you want to take advantage of this discount?

Please clarify.

By planetstardragon - 13 Years Ago
I believe it's

if you own 3DX4 before the date, you will still get the discount upgrade price offered to existing owners.

But if you buy the 3DX4 for the first time now, you will get 3DX5 free when it's released.
By zeus.macbean - 13 Years Ago
So 3DXchange5 only cost me $150 if I buy 3DXchange4 again now


$200 if I upgrade as an existing owner?

(remember to add to each of these what I originally paid for my total investment.)

Was any one else awake in ECON101 ?

By planetstardragon - 13 Years Ago
well if you factor in 3Dxchange2 and add the cost of cheese in Tibet, it may be even more than that!!
By animagic - 13 Years Ago
zeus.macbean (3/16/2012)
So 3DXchange5 only cost me $150 if I buy 3DXchange4 again now


$200 if I upgrade as an existing owner?

(remember to add to each of these what I originally paid for my total investment.)

Was any one else awake in ECON101 ?

The upgrade price is usually around half the full price, so $100. That would be from Pro to Pro.

By Peter (RL) - 13 Years Ago
zeus.macbean (3/16/2012)
There doesn't seem to be any mention of an upgrade price for existing 3DXchange4 owners.

"From now on until the official launch date, any new purchasers of 3DXchange4 (full/upgrade) will be eligible for a free copy of 3DXchange5 Standard or PRO. "

Kind of sounds like you have to buy it again if you want to take advantage of this discount?

Please clarify.

The standard upgrade price from 3DXchange4 Pro to 3DXchange5 Pro will be $119.97. However there may be other promotional offers made at the time of release that may lower this further.

By Peter (RL) - 13 Years Ago
zeus.macbean (3/16/2012)
So 3DXchange5 only cost me $150 if I buy 3DXchange4 again now


$200 if I upgrade as an existing owner?

(remember to add to each of these what I originally paid for my total investment.)

Was any one else awake in ECON101 ?

That is incorrect. It won't cost $200 to upgrade from 3DXchange4 Pro. Please see my post above for the correct figure.

By planetstardragon - 13 Years Ago
anyone know more or less what kind of info 3DX5 will recognize ? such as weights and other deforms ? or just basic bones ? also wondering if the messiah flex animation will be good for exporting morphs in the future, very cool feature.
By power - 13 Years Ago

I have purchased 3dXchange 5 Pro. I have limited experience with 3dxchange (I used v2 to get props from Google). Well LOT to learn... my question related with adding additional motion to characters. So IF I have a Dragon (FBX) with some motions, Can I add for example finger or hand animation to the original ones? What about Mix Communication?

Also, have a question whats the difference between non-human and non-standard characters?


By Sen - 13 Years Ago
Hi ,

I think you have purchase 3dx4 :P .


Non standard character is G character base bones (G1 to G5 ) with :

-no facial animation
-no change body parts : upper , lower , shoes , hands , head
and so no change cloth .
By power - 13 Years Ago
Hi Sen:

Thank You! Yes I mean 3dExchange 4 (with free 5 upgrade). So non-human are basically animals, creatures or robots. Non standard have no exchange body parts (upper, Lower, Head, Hands) But I still have the doubt, Could non-standard character accept a MixCommunitication motion?


By Sen - 13 Years Ago
For non-standard character you can use all imotion , but no facial animation . No facial bones (a ctually) in non-standard character .
You can contact support for more information on this pack .
I don't have it , but it's "imotion" for mixmoves , so no facial animation included .

edit :

non-human character is a character with it's own rig , no RL bones .
By joel.lovell - 13 Years Ago
When I login to my account, it says my upgrade price for 3DXchange4Pro is $89. If I do that (I own 3dx4Pro already, but bought it before the 'free upgrade' drat it) it appears that I would not need to pay $119 to upgrade to 5. Anyway to confirm this?
By Peter (RL) - 13 Years Ago
joel.lovell (4/13/2012)
When I login to my account, it says my upgrade price for 3DXchange4Pro is $89. If I do that (I own 3dx4Pro already, but bought it before the 'free upgrade' drat it) it appears that I would not need to pay $119 to upgrade to 5. Anyway to confirm this?


I can confirm that if you purchase or upgrade another copy of 3DXchange4 Pro you will be entitled to a FREE copy of 3DXchange5 Pro when it it is released (hopefully next week).