By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
Dear Character Creator Users,
We have now released Character Creator 4.22 with the new Dynamic Wrinkles for all your CC3+ characters. However, as with all updates there may still be a few bugs, glitches or other annoying issues remaining.
Important: If you do find any bugs, issues or glitches in Character Creator 4.21, please can you report them first in the Feedback Tracker. Then feel free to discuss the issues in this thread but do try to include a link back to the original Feedback Tracker report or your tracker number.
As always it will help us greatly if we can keep all technical issues in the one place (this thread). This will help the development team keep track of any problems.
Please do try to provide your full system specifications and a detailed description of the problem when reporting issues and include screenshots and/or a workflow video whenever possible. If you can provide specific steps so we can try and reproduce the problem that will be even better.
Many thanks and have fun with Character Creator 4.21.
By gordryd - 2 Years Ago
Don't know if this is a bug or OE, but using the Wrinkle Check - Functional animation in CC4, my character's neck extends into his shirt collar during extreme 'anger', even with both neck area settings at Strength = 0
By TonyDPrime - 2 Years Ago
I keep getting CC4.2 message that Initialization has failed and that application will close It appears I do meet requirements:
iClone 8.2 loads fine. I have Win 10 64 XEON processor newer than 2nd gen Core i5 more system memory than required Current NVidia driver is latest
Any ideas?
By ElefantastiqueGames - 2 Years Ago
Rendering in cc4 is very slow now. Even with or without wrinkle functionality. Can anyone confirm this?
By TonyDPrime - 2 Years Ago
Weirdest thing - I uninstalled and installed again, and it was working. Then it crashed, but then seemingly deleted the shortcut icon on my desk top, and after searching, seemingly self-deleted the main .exe application from the Bin64 folder, on its own. I have never seen an application self-delete like that! I have to reinstall again. :laugh:
By TonyDPrime - 2 Years Ago
Okay, so I have CC4 working again. Every it loads it oddly pops up with an error saying "Load GUI failed. Please reinstall iClone." So I x-out, and then it continues to load.
But, I do not show any new wrinkle assets. What is interesting is the Reallusion Hub installer said it will install 4.2 GB of stuff, but then it does 2.1 GB or something, so I know the new assets are just not present. So, wrinkle is indeed working, because even though the content for wrinkles is empty, when I load in a default character I can activate the wrinkles and they are there on the character. But just the profile presets and new wrinkle character versions are not in my CC4 content. Now I already know, from past things like this, that it's something I could probably get in Content manager, but I just have no idea how to download it because it does not show it anywhere as a pack or Free resource where I could download it.
Any ideas where to get the new wrinkle content?...
EDIT - okay, so I saw in the Wrinkle announcement, Peter (RL) correctly mentioned what you can do: (1) look in Template > Free Resource > Pack, and set filter to show ALL items. (2) You will see already pre-installed items, but some have green arrow. These are ones requiring Update, as they have the new wrinkle content - double click on these (3) Confirm in the Character>Wrinkle Expressions that new content is installed
Now, what made it confusing was that none of it outright says "Wrinkle", but it is the case case that the new Wrinkle content is stored in the already established CC4 Free Resource Pack items requiring update. Once you do update you should see the new content.
By TonyDPrime - 2 Years Ago
ElefantastiqueGames (2/25/2023) Rendering in cc4 is very slow now. Even with or without wrinkle functionality. Can anyone confirm this?
Yes, I do confirm this. I'm thinking it may be the wrinkles, although not sure. Perhaps not optimized yet, because it would snap an image right back when rendered, and now seems to go through a processing calculation first.
By 3DChick - 2 Years Ago
Hi all I'm getting really weird results with the Wrinkle editor/wrinkle pack.
I add a wrinkle map (Deep_Bulky from the paid pack) to my character, edit a few settings in the wrinkle editor, and it works fine in animation mode in CC4 for a couple frames, but then it gets weird. Also renders weird, and then it stays weird until I deactivate the expression wrinkle editor. But then the wrinkles go away... I did post this to feedback tracker:
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? 
By 4u2ges - 2 Years Ago
ElefantastiqueGames (2/25/2023) Rendering in cc4 is very slow now. Even with or without wrinkle functionality. Can anyone confirm this?
The render process itself is not slow (I did confirm that rendering a video). What slow, is render initializing. But since we render stills most of the time in CC, it takes enormous amount of time for each preview or export (30 sec as oppose to couple of sec before the upgrade). This is true for CC and iClone. Must be fixed.
By blindman - 2 Years Ago
Lost file references after update to 4.2
the update to 4.2 is generating an error for the file locations of textures "AGAIN" CC is reporting the reference location for all the skin gen tools to (D:\Reallusion\00Content\Character Creator 3 Template\Texture\SkinTextures\SkinBase\ ( A LOCATION THAT DOES NOT, AND NEVER HAS EXISTED)
This is the third time in a row that this problem has occurred after an update ( I'm sorry to say this borders on incompetence) And again the error is generated every time a character is loaded despite the autosearch finding the right reference location on the previous character load. This time however the error is generated only with Characters created after the 4.2 update. All characters created before the update load without Error.
By masterdmn8 - 2 Years Ago
So since 4.2 I haven't been able to export FBX in any form. I have reinstalled. I have cleared the temp files. I am extremely upset about this because i currently have $500 worth of software that is completely useless.

By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
masterdmn8 (3/7/2023) FBX EXPORT FAILED
So since 4.2 I haven't been able to export FBX in any form. I have reinstalled. I have cleared the temp files. I am extremely upset about this because i currently have $500 worth of software that is completely useless.
Please check how much free hard drive space you have on the C: drive and the drive you are exporting to if different. While it may seem you have plenty of free space you can get this kind of error message if there is insufficient space to export successfully. The amount needed can vary due to many different factors so try to free up space and see if it makes a difference just in case.
If that doesn't help, please contact Technical Support using the link below. They will be able to assist you further.
By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
I see many posts in this thread with no Feedback Tracker number or link. As mentioned in the first post of this thread, it is vital you report issues to the Feedback Tracker (or you can contact Support if the issue is urgent). Just reporting the issue here will delay it getting looked at.
For more information, please click the link below.
Thank you.
By masterdmn8 - 2 Years Ago
I have already been talking to Tech support and we have not found a solution as of yet. I've been following the instructions but everything has failed except for the "talking Kevin" project. i was even asked to download the Iclone trial so i could export from there and that still did not work.
FBX Export Failed - Feedback Tracker (
By masterdmn8 - 2 Years Ago
Turns out going back to 4.1 fixed the issue for me
By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
Character Creator 4.21 has been released today. Please update using the Reallusion Hub.
However, if you still have issues after the update, please remember to report them in the Feedback Tracker first and then feel free to discuss here. Thanks.
By davood.kharmanzar - 2 Years Ago
FEEDBACK TRACKER - ISSUE 9386 hey, i tried to import facial morphs on CC 4.21 ... but its terrible :[
1st - import DAZ character as mentioned below ...

for now everything looks great ... fullbody is ok ...
2nd - import facial morphs as mentioned below ...

and Finally it looks terrible :|

p.s. - same file with same morph on other DCC software looks great :]

By 4u2ges - 2 Years Ago
hey, i tried to import facial morphs on CC 4.21CC 4.21 ... but its terrible :[
It's a 90 degrees X twist is not handles in CC properly when you import DAZ face morph I suppose. I have experienced that when trying to import multiple DAZ morphs into iClone via CC4.
This morning I did experiment more and came up with a solution. You may have to do it in your software, but I cycled FBX through Blender before importing morphs into CC. Here is a routine (I will try to make a video later on).
* Import your FBX to Blender and switch to the Rest Pose * Select character mesh, hit Alt+P and choose "Clear and Keep Transform" (If you have multiple meshes you may select them all) * Delete Armature * Select character mesh, hit Ctrl+A and choose Rotation (that would effectively reset X 90 degrees twist causing morphs problem in CC) * Verify that Shape Keys are still working correctly. * Export to FBX and use that file to import face morphs to your character in CC
By davood.kharmanzar - 2 Years Ago
nice, but its definitely bad problem :\
FEEDBACK TRACKER - ISSUE 9386 also i tried to apply Facial Profile that suggested by RL ...

but almost of facial sliders are broken :|
By 4u2ges - 2 Years Ago
It is definitely a problem. I have general Morphs routine issues ticket in FT, but I suggest you open another one specifically for importing face blendshapes.
By Hoben - 2 Years Ago
I haven't been able to load any CC3+ characters with 4K displacement maps in 4.2 or 4.21 (on two different systems). I tried some downscaled 2K maps and they work, but the effect is completely different from using their 4K versions. All of the subtle details are lost and I had to go from map strength of 100 with 4K to 60 with 2K just to get something that doesn't look like a Sharpei. They actually look better without the displacements maps at all when compared to the 2K ones, while the 4K ones were a massive improvement in subtle details.
It's tough to get proper mouth movement set up in CC4 without using the 4K maps that I'm using in Unreal afterwards, so I hope this can get fixed soon.
Feedback Tracker Issue 9383
By davood.kharmanzar - 2 Years Ago
FEEDBACK TRACKER - ISSUE 9386 another test ...
import as mentioned below ...

Manual characterization ...

Import Facial morphs ...

and finally same bad results :\

another DCC software with same file and morph ...

By Hoben - 2 Years Ago
Only EXR displacement maps aren't working. After removing those, I finally got most of my 4.11 projects to open in 4.21 by baking morph sliders, too (commitment issues, I guess).
Something else seemingly to do with swapping cornea shader textures and/or adjustments is probably also an issue, but I just chose to save time and rebuild my last character from scratch with GoZ.
By johnsongaric1 - 2 Years Ago
long curly hair hair builder physics do not transfer to unreal engine
By Auroratrek - 2 Years Ago
I upgraded to 4.22 and now my Morph sliders are all missing. I submitted a ticket, but wondered if anybody else had this problem. I tried reinstalling CC, and uninstalling and reinstalling the Character Pack and other morphs, which worked until I restarted CC. Anybody else have this problem, or more importantly, have a solution?? Is there any way to go back to an earlier version of CC4?
By pc2709 - 2 Years Ago
Seniors, I am new user and learner. I am using CC 4.22 and IClone 8.22 but in both the software I am unable to resize "Content Manager" so as to generate some space for "View Point".
Kindly help and guide.
By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
pc2709 (5/7/2023) Seniors, I am new user and learner. I am using CC 4.22 and IClone 8.22 but in both the software I am unable to resize "Content Manager" so as to generate some space for "View Point".
Kindly help and guide.
What is your screen resolution? If you are using a resolution lower than 1920 x 1080 then this may be the problem of Content Manager taking up too much space.
Content Manager can be resized by dragging the dotted divider line but there is a minimum size which can't be reduced further.
An alternative is to turn off Content Manager by pressing F4 when you don't need it, or you can go to Window > Workspace > Animation which will give you the best UI layout when animating.
By pc2709 - 2 Years Ago
Hi Peter thanks for your advise. My display resolution is 2880 x 1800. Should I change it to 1920 x 1080 Regards.
By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
pc2709 (5/8/2023) Hi Peter thanks for your advise. My display resolution is 2880 x 1800. Should I change it to 1920 x 1080 Regards.
There is no need to lower the resolution if it is higher than 1920 x 1080. Normally the higher the screen resolution the more space you will have onscreen. As I mentioned previously, if you have dragged the dotted divider line between Content Manager and the Viewport as far to the left as it will go, and you still need a larger viewport, then follow the steps I provided previously to turn CM off.
One other thing to check is that your screen scaling is set to the recommended level (normally 100%). To check this, right click the Desktop and choose "Display Settings". If you find you are using a very high scaling setting (like 200%) then try lowering it to the recommended level.
By elizabethye25 - 2 Years Ago
Everytime I try to export an fbx from Character Creator it fails, no matter what the settings are. I found a thread to help fix this, but it's from five years ago - do I still need to have another program to export an fbx? 3DXChange or something else?
By Peter (RL) - 2 Years Ago
elizabethye25 (5/14/2023) Everytime I try to export an fbx from Character Creator it fails, no matter what the settings are. I found a thread to help fix this, but it's from five years ago - do I still need to have another program to export an fbx? 3DXChange or something else?
Which version of Character Creator do you have? If you have Character Creator 4 or Character Creator 3 Pipeline then you don't need another program to export to FBX.
So if you do have CC4, open it, then choose "Load Neutral Base" from the Modify Panel. Once loaded try to export to FBX. Does this work?
By elizabethye25 - 2 Years Ago
Ok, great! I am using CC 4. When I load neutral base and export, it works and I can put it into other applications.
By elizabethye25 - 2 Years Ago
I'm still not able to export the character as fbx once it has hair and modifications - is there any other way of trying to fix that?