By Peter (RL) - 11 Years Ago
Are you receiving an "Initialization Failed" message when starting iClone 6 or is iClone 6 simply refusing to start? If so please read below for some possible solutions. Please first check that your computer meets the minimum specifications shown on the page below. If they don't then unfortunately you won't be able to run iClone 6. If your system does meet the minimum specifications, please try updating your graphics drivers and ensure you have the latest available. Please see the links below to check. If your computer has switchable graphics, please do ensure you are running the iClone.exe found in the folder below with the more powerful graphics card (Normally Nvidia or AMD). Do not choose the Intel graphics option. C:\Program Files\Reallusion\iClone 6\Bin64 Then run Windows Update to ensure your system is fully updated. In Windows 7 you can do this by clicking Start > All Programs > Windows Update > Check For updates. In Windows 8 go to the Start Screen and type Windows Update. Then select "Check For Update" from the search list. If you still have problems, please install the Update below: For issues where iClone 6 refuses to start but you don't get an "Initialization Failed" message, please try right clicking the iClone 6 icon and choose "Run As Administrator". This may help. If after checking all of the above you still can't launch iClone 6, please can you contact our Technical Support department using the link below. Please do ensure you send us your dxdiag.txt file so we can check your system for any obvious problems. a) Select the "Start" button. b) Type "dxdiag" and click "dxdiag.exe" from the search list. c) It will then check your system for a while, after finishing, click "save all information" d) Save "DxDiag.txt". and send this to us as an attachment. Thank you.
By tabsabit99 - 11 Years Ago
thanks for nothing real illusions
By Sen - 11 Years Ago
@tabsabit99 : read system requirement posted on July 2014 ( 5 month ago) :) .
By animagic - 11 Years Ago
tabsabit99 (12/21/2014) Make sure you have win7 sp1 or win8 as realillusion pushed out win vista users for I 6 thanks for nothing real illusionsAre there any Vista users left?...:unsure: And aren't you clever: "real illusions"...:doze:
By Peter (RL) - 11 Years Ago
tabsabit99 (12/21/2014) Make sure you have win7 sp1 or win8 as realillusion pushed out win vista users for I 6 thanks for nothing real illusionsI'm sorry but the improvements in iClone 6 necessitate that we more on from older OS's like Windows XP and Vista. I do understand it is frustrating but we all have move forward if we want to use latest software.
By SilverSkyFox - 10 Years Ago
i am unable to open iclone 6 on my notebook, 5 was no problem (iclone pro) as i will always get this error message you can see on the screenshot. my system is a Lenovo ThinkPad W510 intel core i7 Q720 CPU 16GB DDR3 RAM nvidia quadro FX880M Windows 7 Professional 64bit (SP1)
By woestyn101 - 10 Years Ago
I also have the same problem and reallusion just can't support Iclone 6 to work properly on all pc's and notebooks. I have decided just to ignore reallusion's special offers from now because that is the way they tricked me to buy enough stuff to qualify for the Icone 6.
I mean, look at the size of your pc 'SilverSkyFox': 16 GB Ram, i7 and you can't get Icone 6 to run. This is a joke!
By colour - 10 Years Ago
If Reallusion didn't make abundantly clear iC6's Recommended Hardware Specs (Which in practise should be considered the Minimum for full iC6 & Indigo functionality) and the OS, in their iC6 Promotions, before iC6 was released, I'd be requesting a Refund for iC6 Full price, to offset the price of any purchased Content, that's unusable in iC6.
By musicaz - 10 Years Ago
for sure . !!
By SilverSkyFox - 10 Years Ago
woestyn101 (1/16/2015) I also have the same problem and reallusion just can't support Iclone 6 to work properly on all pc's and notebooks. I have decided just to ignore reallusion's special offers from now because that is the way they tricked me to buy enough stuff to qualify for the Icone 6.
I mean, look at the size of your pc 'SilverSkyFox': 16 GB Ram, i7 and you can't get Icone 6 to run. This is a joke!
Well, my i7 is/was the slowest i7 with 1,6ghz but that shouldn't be a problem as Iclone 5.5 Pro was running without any issue or needed to upgrade the drivers.
By lachellehall - 10 Years Ago
My issue - Upon booting Iclone6 in Windows 7 64 bit, it would fail within a minute of beginning boot. When I checked my event logs (Check your own even logs by going to the start button and type the “eventvwr.exe” in the Start Search Box.) I found that my faulting module name: ntdll.dll. After making sure my system is updated with the newest drivers (both windows, operating system and graphic driver) I began my debugging process. I reinstalled my program. Same issue. I installed it on a new hard drive with a fresh copy of Windows 7. Same issue.
Then I solved this issue. It seems that Iclone6 really depends upon its library folders. Those folders that were setup when installing. I had my folders on another hard drive on my network. The computer had permissions to use the folders, both read and write. When using these folders it would fail. When the program used library folders on the same hard drive, it worked correctly.
Step 1. Open Notepad Step 2. Create and open a new folder on the same hard drive as your program. I suggest creating your folders in your user your user documents file. "example C:\Users\COMPUTER NAME\Documents\Reallusion\" Step 3. Open your original library folders. Step 4. Copy your files from the original library folders to the New folder. Step 5. Go to your start button and in the start search box type regedit.exe. If a popup asks you if you want to make changes to the system choose yes. *** Backup Before You Do These Steps *** Step 6. Choose folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Step 7. Choose folder SOFTWARE Step 8. Choose folder Reallusion Step 9. Choose folder iClone Step 10. Choose folder 6.0 Step 11. In the other side you should see lots of entry's. We are looking to change the folders that direct to your template folders. Step 12. Double click the Registry Name to change the pathway. There were 17 of these on my system. Step 13. Do same thing for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Reallusion\Shared Data Close and Reboot.
This solved my issue. Good luck.
By Peter (RL) - 10 Years Ago
SilverSkyFox (1/16/2015)
i am unable to open iclone 6 on my notebook, 5 was no problem (iclone pro) as i will always get this error message you can see on the screenshot. my system is a Lenovo ThinkPad W510 intel core i7 Q720 CPU 16GB DDR3 RAM nvidia quadro FX880M Windows 7 Professional 64bit (SP1) The problem is that the Nvidia Quadro FX880M is a DirectX 10 graphics card. The current version of iClone 6 requires a DirectX 11 compatible graphics card. However we will soon release an update that supports DirectX 9 so this should resolve the problem. A Beta version of the update is now available to try. Please click the thread below to find it. Do try this and see if it can get you up and running. :)
By tranvu2005 - 10 Years Ago
Here is my Dxdiag. Please help me, thank you :)
By Miller08 - 10 Years Ago
I can't Lunch iclone6
By wires - 10 Years Ago
@Miller08, Your Graphic card seems to be the main reason for iClone refusing to start, having only 735 MB of Dedicated Ram: Display Memory: 2138 MB Dedicated Memory: 753 MB Shared Memory: 1384 MB Also the fact that your system Ram is giving up 1384 MB Ram to the GPU isn't going to make things better.
By Peter (RL) - 10 Years Ago
tranvu2005 (2/7/2015) Here is my Dxdiag. Please help me, thank you :)Try updating your graphics drivers which are a little out of date. Also do try the DirectX 9 version and see if this will work for you. You will need to be using iClone 6.02 to have the DirectX 9 option. In iClone 6.02 you can launch either the DirectX 11 version or the DirectX 9 version. You can do this by going to Start > All Programs > iClone 6 and then select "iClone Graphics Mode Selection". Then select the DirectX 9 version.
By SilverSkyFox - 10 Years Ago
Peter (RL) (1/28/2015)
SilverSkyFox (1/16/2015)
i am unable to open iclone 6 on my notebook, 5 was no problem (iclone pro) as i will always get this error message you can see on the screenshot. my system is a Lenovo ThinkPad W510 intel core i7 Q720 CPU 16GB DDR3 RAM nvidia quadro FX880M Windows 7 Professional 64bit (SP1) The problem is that the Nvidia Quadro FX880M is a DirectX 10 graphics card. The current version of iClone 6 requires a DirectX 11 compatible graphics card. However we will soon release an update that supports DirectX 9 so this should resolve the problem. A Beta version of the update is now available to try. Please click the thread below to find it. Do try this and see if it can get you up and running. :) worked with the beta :)
By AlikiN - 10 Years Ago
Hello Everyone, I recently upgraded Iclone 6pro to version 6.11.1809, after installing 3dxchange 6 pro. Now I can no longer access typed script for voice. I have tried to upgrade drivers to graphics card. My computer spec: Windows 7 premium edition, Nividia GTX 465 1gb ram, 8GB ram, Direct X11. Please anyone help.
Regards, AlickN
By EvilGenius - 10 Years Ago
I am using Direct x 11 and I still get this message.

By paco_37 - 10 Years Ago
I just downloaded the demo. Go to start it and get an immediate crash. Changed the video mode to Direct x 9 and it fires right up. I see that Direct x 11 is needed for the full benefit of iClone.
Here is what I have done. Have all the latest updates for Windows 7 Pro deleted my Nvidia drivers completely Cleaned the system of any residual leftovers from Nvidia Re-installed the latest driver for my graphics card. and iClone continues to crash before it launches. The problem according to the crash report is: nvwgf2umx.dll
My system: Intel Core 7 Windows 7 Pro Geforce GTX 570 2GB 32GB memory
By cyndi.foster - 10 Years Ago
Have there been any updates to this issue? I can only open iClone 6 with Directx 9 and can't open Character Creator at all. I need to be able to use the features with Directx 11 though. I've tried all the methods in this thread. I have all the minimum system requirements and everything is up to date. Attached is my DvDiag.tx file. When I try to open the program I don't get any error messages, it just fails.
Operating System: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz (4 cores) Memory: 16GB RAM DirectX Version: DirectX 11
Any help/advice is greatly appreciated.
By urbanlamb - 10 Years Ago
Your graphics card is a 570 this is your problem its classified as "not fully recommended" get a more modern card you should have not much trouble. Try getting the latest drivers but I think you will find your card wont live long under the strain anyhow if you try to run it with all the dx11 stuff. Iclone6 needs a pretty beefy pc.
By eternityblue - 9 Years Ago
I installed and ran the latest iClone without issues for a week, then today while exporting from 3DXchange, while CC was also open, it crashed and now won't launch again. iClone is installed on a second hard drive if that helps. iClone otherwise runs great on my machine.
By eternityblue - 9 Years Ago
I just reinstalled, deleting the whole install folder including a file called ttt.txt that I think held maybe a bad setting, I dunno, but reinstalling, and saying no to recovering a lost project did the trick, I am running again.
By eternityblue - 9 Years Ago
And it happened again. This time I wasn't doing anything with 3DXchange, though it was also open. I guess I'll have to reopen a ticket, reinstall again, hope that helps, and hope this is not a daily occurrence :( Something is getting borked, what exactly would be nice to know.
By eternityblue - 9 Years Ago
And one more time. Should I reinstall yet again? I mean, when it runs it is soooo worth it, just is this an issue with 3DXchange? I will try exporting to a file and then importing from inside iClone. This latest was a crash when trying to send to 3DXchange.
EDITED: And I uninstalled 3DXchange, and iClone launched fine. So at least I have a culprit. I will avoid sending anything directly between the two, I'm LOVING 3DXchange otherwise.
By eternityblue - 9 Years Ago
Can anyone think of why iClone would refuse to launch with 3DXchange installed? I really need to resolve this, and support hasn't gotten back to me after several days.
By Peter (RL) - 9 Years Ago
eternityblue (7/21/2016) I installed and ran the latest iClone without issues for a week, then today while exporting from 3DXchange, while CC was also open, it crashed and now won't launch again. iClone is installed on a second hard drive if that helps. iClone otherwise runs great on my machine.
We have replied to you in the thread below. Please do try to keep all your feedback in the same thread. It gets very confusing if the same issue is reported in multiple threads.
By eternityblue - 9 Years Ago
Sorry, this seemed to have been ignored.
By ninjarama - 9 Years Ago
eternityblue (7/25/2016) Sorry, this seemed to have been ignored.
I am having the same issue. My scenario is this...
Installed iClone Pro 6.51 (works fine) Installed Character Creator 1.52 (works fine) Installed 3DXchange 6.5 Pipeline (works fine)
The kicker... or bug perhaps:
Installing the update for 3DXchange 6.5 Pipeline breaks iClone 6.51... iClone no longer launches and models cannot be sent to it from either Character Generator or 3DXxchange.
The only way to get things working again is to re-install 3DXxchange & iClone but DO NOT UPDATE 3DXchange!
I have been able to duplicate this problem on two different systems running Windows 10...
System 1: Dell T3600 Xeon 6-core - Windows 10 - 64GB RAM - MSI AMD R9 390X 8GB System 2: Wacom Cintiq Companion 2 - i7 - Windows 10 - 8 GB RAM - Intel 6100
By Kevin.S - 9 Years Ago
Sorry moved post..ignore..:D