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Chrome Reflection

Posted By rayj00 14 Years Ago
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Chrome Reflection

Posted 14 Years Ago
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Last Active: 11 Years Ago
Posts: 137, Visits: 372

I have a box and I want the edges to be chrome with reflection.  How can I creat the reflective properties in 3DXchange 4?  I've loaded a .jpg for the Reflective material and messed with the various values but no luck.

Is there a tutorial somewhere?



Posted 14 Years Ago
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Skype ID= learn.iclone

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rayj00 (7/30/2011)

I have a box and I want the edges to be chrome with reflection. How can I creat the reflective properties in 3DXchange 4? I've loaded a .jpg for the Reflective material and messed with the various values but no luck.

Is there a tutorial somewhere?



The easiest ay to do it, is to create the material inside iClone then apply it as a material. Of course it is assuming this is a standard box with six faces.

Try the attached and apply it to the box in 3dXchange.

Change the interior box material (inside the edges) by editing the diffuse inside any photo editor and replacing the black boxes with whatever you like.

SKYPE ID: rc.650


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