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CT 6: Face fitting - working with a tilted head

Posted By candlelight2007 14 Years Ago
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Last Active: 3 Years Ago
Posts: 73, Visits: 335
Hi! I wonder if there are any tips on facefitting - sorta trade tricks on getting the most out of CT (which I really enjoy - so far anyway, very cool tool) - when it comes to working with imported images where the character has their head slightly tilted to the side. I think I got the hang of mouth and eye fitting and it works like a charm most of the time. But when you calibrate often times head movement comes out distorted - therefore distorting the face. The blue square with the arrow really puzzles me because there's no way to rotate it to match the tilt of the face - save adjusting each corner individually. Does it even matter which direction that blue arrow is pointing? Are there any tips to put me on the right track?

Plus the darn red rectangle is driving me bananas often times. Seems like it has mind of its own - popping up and disappearing as it damn well pleases! Hehe

EDITED: While we're at it, is there a specific recommendation as to how to properly line up the wire frame points, i.e. control points at both sides of the jaw to be lined up with corners of the lips, etc.? Looks like my model's jaw gets slightly distorted when the chin goes down when speaking.

14 Years Ago by candlelight2007
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Last Active: 3 Years Ago
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There is a face fitting video tutorial that covers tilted heads if you haven't seen it yet.
Posted 14 Years Ago
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Last Active: 3 Years Ago
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IC: Thanks for your suggestion. Yes, I have seen all basic face fitting videos in RL tutorial area unless there is another one somewhere else which I somehow missed (do you have a link handy to the one you're referring to?). I guess I was talking more about tips and hints on how to achieve better face-fitting results from more experienced users (like working with tilted faces, images with big hairdos, etc.) or some clues that may save me time poking around (which I do anyway). But thanks for your reply! Much appreciated!Smile
Posted 14 Years Ago
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No, those would be the ones. Just getting started myself. It would of been nice to have a few project based tutorials to get my feet wet but I guess I can learn it without.

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