I’ve been on version 7 for years, because it does all I need it todo (almost. I’m thinking of upgrading especially for the volumetric lighting).
I have two computers, an old one with aGTX 1070, which still works beautifully with v7, and a laptop with an RTX 2070.iClone runs faster on the laptop, but Ifind laptops very clunky for serious work. I prefer my desktop for long hoursof work. So myquestion is: Anybody’s been using iC8 on an old video card similartothat? And are there any major differences in performance between v8 and v7?
Yes, I will try the v8 demo, butsometimes demos don’t give you the big picture, so I’d like to hear about someof you who’ve been working with v8 for a while, especially on an old computer.
Windows 10, Intel i7, 32 Gig RAM