Hi guys, my goal is to do some story telling with my nft character.
I ve afbx file with a rigged blender character, this comes along with thenft I bought. I can upload this fbx file into mixamo and download theanimation and use them to build small scenery, memes etc. in Blender.Here is a link with a video so that you know what i m talking about:https://pool.pm/asset1qjwzfaajnsgkv5y82jlg9mc2agtypgcmefy4g2
Butmy character comes with no facial expression and i only can use themixamo standard animations. Your software looks like it s suited toadd more expression to my character.
As I said my maingoal is storytelling, making memes and not creating a 3d character.Is there any easy automated way to add the necessary additionalbones, expressions etc. to my avatars face? What tutorial would yourecommend? Do you have guys in the community that are able to do thisfor me when I give them the fbx file (and how much would this cost?)?
Thx Joe