Lets begin by saying that Reallusion apps do NOT have simulation engine for fitting and permanently baking cloth shapes.
What they have is an engine, which can only be used for interaction/animation at play time and mostly suits skirts, dresses, coats.. etc.
Any cloth imported into CC must already fit character perfectly (being simulated in MD, Blender.. etc).
Regarding armpits areas, it's always a problem and must be handled by either simulating in T-pose in MD,
or if simulated in A-pose it has to be handled by tweaking skin weights.
Aside from that you have to export cloth as "single object" , "thin" and "weld" from MD.
Here is a long workflow showing a proper simulation/export in MD with T-pose and A-pose (with fixing it later on).
For sim transformation from A-pose to T-pose in MD you got to have an iClone to create animated FBX.
(Sorry for speed and no comments).