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In this Video at Minute 4:27 the guy loads the kidney preset into iclone, then uses this effect for a different mesh. In the Video the modify panel looks totally different to the one in iclone8. There is for example a Samler List which does not exist inIC8. In IC8 there are target sliders, but no target can be chosen. The mesh from the loaded effect isnt visible anywhere.
Can someone explain this to me ?
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Hope this little tutorial helps. There's english subtittle :
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Thanks so much ! Its so hard to get all the necessary informations about this. Many Links are dead, was also not able to find one proper Editor manual ( i asume the fx Editor may be buggy too, at least pathwise (always looking for pkmm in the wrong (cache) folder) :-) 76% of original size (was 661x19) - Click to enlarge Edit: I am currently trying to bring some effects from the fx editor into iclone. Am i assuming correctly that most effects are already been transferred into the Iclone partice fx pluigin ?
Warped Reality VFX
Warped Reality VFX
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Hello, K_Digital there are a few effects from the FX editor examples, that Reallusion sells in, The PopcornFX Library 40 pack. Not all of the examples from the FX editor are sold in the PopcornFX Library 40, I also have made available in the marketplace free effects some from the FX editor with added or all new functionality and will be adding more free and paid ones. Also here is the scripting reference. Best Regards. Kevin L. Scripting reference 1120.
Warped Reality VFX.
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This is very kind of you, thank you very much for the scipring reference link !
Any rumours heard on when RL will make the new fx editor 2.xx effects work with iclone ?
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I'm having this exact same issue. Bought the plugin but have no sampler to select mesh, and have an error message "To unlock custom features for loading images, sprites and meshes PopcornFX plugin for iClone is required.". I've bought everything and tried everything like removing all the libraries then downloaded again, and removed then reinstalled the plugin and still get this message. I'm trying to use a mesh emitter to eject shells from a weapon, but I can't do anything other than use the default shapes from the emitter. I watched the video shared here, but I don't have whatever that is in the video and almost zero info anywhere on this. Did you find a solution to your issue? 76% of original size (was 661x19) - Click to enlarge
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I found it and was actually pretty funny and obvious. In the thread linked below it says to check the Reallusion Hub for plugins, but I hadn't realized I was on CC4 which meant it wasn't showing. I clicked onto iClone and there it was! Ready to install and already was able to finish what I was looking to do. Thanks OP!
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neilyoung3 (8/6/2024)
I'm having this exact same issue. Bought the plugin but have no sampler to select mesh, and have an error message "To unlock custom features for loading images, sprites and meshes PopcornFX plugin for iClone is required.". I've bought everything and tried everything like removing all the libraries then downloaded again, and removed then reinstalled the plugin and still get this message. I'm trying to use a mesh emitter to eject shells from a weapon, but I can't do anything other than use the default shapes from the emitter. I watched the video shared here, but I don't have whatever that is in the video and almost zero info anywhere on this. Did you find a solution to your issue? 76% of original size (was 661x19) - Click to enlarge If you have the PopcorFX plugin show up like the image below , you better ask the Reallusion support. 76% of original size (was 661x19) - Click to enlarge