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Keep emphasis on Blender more than Unreal Engine

Posted By kanchanpathak4 Last Year
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This is my general consideration for your product to be rendered in various application. After a prolong Research on Livelink among Unreal Engine, Blender and Omniverse, I have encountered various challenges during transfer and fine tune of the animation in host application. To be frank Blender is too much superior to any one in respect to complete overhaul of the material, cloths, hair, shapekeys, native control rig , sculpting , prop preparation and finally rendering specially in Eevee Next ( Native Eevee from Blender 4.2) which very much comparable if not better than Lumen in Unreal Engine. Be careful Unreal Engine could be your grave competitor in near future as they gradually armed them everything  (like Meta human for character creation, ControlRig, Easy physics simulation, superfast quality rendering and many to come which makes your application pointless as paid application) that you give us which is free in Unreal Engine 5.x .   You give super importance to Unreal Engine 5 Livelink but neglect wonderful addon Blender LiveLink which could make your application still valuable as user base of Blender is many folds higher than Unreal as Unreal needs High configuration computer. Give proper encouragement to Victor Soupday who is doing a wonderful job making Blender LiveLink because at very near future you have to compete with Unreal while Blender is all in one and out of any competition with you. Be wise and do the needful.
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This is my general consideration for your product to be rendered in various application. After a prolong Research on Livelink among Unreal Engine, Blender and Omniverse, I have encountered various challenges during transfer and fine tune of the animation in host application. 
To be frank Blender is too much superior to any one in respect to complete overhaul of the material, cloths, hair, shapekeys, native control rig , sculpting , prop preparation and finally rendering specially in Eevee Next ( Native Eevee from Blender 4.2) which very much comparable if not better than Lumen in Unreal Engine..To be frank Blender is too much superior to any one in respect to complete overhaul of the material, cloths, hair, shapekeys, native control rig , sculpting , prop preparation and finally rendering specially in Eevee Next ( Native Eevee from Blender 4.2) which very much comparable if not better than Lumen in Unreal Engine..

Be careful Unreal Engine could be your grave competitor in near future as they gradually armed them everything  (like Meta human for character creation, ControlRig, Easy physics simulation, superfast quality rendering and many to come which makes your application pointless as paid application)…Be careful Unreal Engine could be your grave competitor in near future as they gradually armed them everything  (like Meta human for character creation, ControlRig, Easy physics simulation, superfast quality rendering and many to come which makes your application pointless as paid application)…
….. neglect wonderful addon Blender LiveLink which could make your application still valuable as user base of Blender is many folds higher than Unreal as Unreal needs High configuration computer…… at very near future you have to compete with Unreal while Blender is all in one and out of any competition with you….. neglect wonderful addon Blender LiveLink which could make your application still valuable as user base of Blender is many folds higher than Unreal as Unreal needs High configuration computer…… at very near future you have to compete with Unreal while Blender is all in one and out of any competition with you

Not Really
The overwhelming Majority of the Iclone user base does not export to UE5 for rendering or even blender or omniverse for that matter.

So in truth it does not matter what tools get added to unreal engine because the core Iclone user base will never venture outside the Reallusion ecosystem comfort bubble..period.
However giving Iclone users the options /tools to export is easier ,for Reallusion,than building a high end internal render engine inside iclone from scratch.

I spend alot of time in the Blender community.
It is dominated by Hard surface modeling and sculpting enthusiasts and the small minority ,that does Character animation, uses native Blender rigs anyway and simply will not  buy into the Reallusion ecosystem nor even the lower cost Daz Character system (which has far better looking Character models than CC4) and  a free bridge to UE & Blender as well.

A Live link from Iclone to Blender will be largely ignored by the greater Blender community, just as they are ignoring the current Blender pipeline tool, because they are extremely hesitant to leave the Blender ecosystem comfort bubble especially if it is going to cost $900 for IC8 and CC4.

So  Reallusion is not any real danger of losing its core user base to Unreal engine by offering options such as live link.
And the professional game dev studios are already largely ignoring Reallusion anyway as they have existing Character animation and game asset creation pipelines based on direct export from Maya or Blender.  

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If that matters, Reallusion will never give provision for livelink for their user. My point is that if they habituated and spent money to build a high configured PC for working with Unreal Engine then they would do everything in Unreal Engine as UE is free for hobbyist and small game dev group. Reallusion would lose their customer base. As Blender and iClone both could run on comparatively low-end PC, they will use both iclone and blender for quality render as they can use the money which could be saved not buying high end pc. 
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I am primarily interested in creating animated movies, and I have years of investment in iClone content. For the look I'm after, the iClone renderer is sufficient, as I complement it with post-processing. I live and work around the limitations.

That said, I think it's good that users have options to dwell outside RL to complete their projects. I believe RL received a development grant from Epic to work on Unreal. For me, Omniverse would make the most sense, as it allows easy transfer of complete projects. 

I have very limited  interest in or talent for modeling, but I do use Blender occasionally for conversion purposes.

I'm probably a minority, but I never really liked the look of DAZ characters, so I'm glad I have options with Character Creator.

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 My point is that if they habituated and spent money to build a high configured PC for working with Unreal Engine then they would do everything in Unreal Engine as UE is free for hobbyist and small game dev group.
Yes UE is free and those hobbyist and small game dev groups who cannot afford the $300 per year for Maya indie are already using Blender with Addons for their game dev pipeline and are not invested in the Reallusion eco system to begin with so Reallusion loses nothing from them.

As Blender and iClone both could run on comparatively low-end PC, they will use both iclone and blender for quality render as they can use the money which could be saved not buying high end pc.
Iclone’s latest big features are Accuface with requires
a NVIDIA RTX card and Control rig for UE5 which is only useful in UE where you are going to need that RTX card also.
And to use the new crowd system inside iclone you need a pretty beefy PC  as well I am told
Also GI is completely disabled in iclone 7/8 if no supported GPU is detected.
Yet Daz studio Iray, Maya’s Arnold, and  Vray in Maxon C4D will render on a PC with CPU Only ( much slower of course) 
so no ..Iclone 8 is not really that useful on a "Low specced" PC IMHO.

Alternatively, you are quite correct in that Blender can run on a fairly low specced PC but it is reasonable to assume that the only reason a Blender user would  run Blender on a low specced PC is because they can’t afford a high spec machine with an RTX card.
If such a person cant afford a better PC he likely can’t afford $900 for IC8/CC4.

Finally what about the  Danger of existing Iclone users who might just leave the Reallusion eco system completely now that UE5 has the FREE RL control rig plugins and other Character animation plugins luring him away in the future.??

Well the metahumans are still quite limited but now the new control rig plugin lets you (sort of) convert custom CC4 character into metahumans but for body and facial animation inside UE 5 ,via this method, you need iclone8 
CC Rig Plugin: Available on the Epic Store Marketplace.
MetaHuman Plugin: Install from the Marketplace.
Unreal Auto Setup: Download from the Reallusion website.
Live Link Face App: Free on the App Store via your phones app store
Ensure All Plugins Are Active In Unreal Engine:

We have had threads where by an Iclone user was trying get an anthropomorphised  Daz G9 animal figure into Iclone and speaking.

I was able to send the Daz figure directly to Blender as FBX in mere seconds where you would have a much better render engine than Iclone but it did not matter.

Most Iclone users simply  Do not want to bother with the Blender interface no matter how cheap the investment , fair enough.
Do you really expect they will abandon iclone en mass for UE5 to endure the vicissitudes of the tedious process show in this video below ??
I doubt it

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I think the time of running any 3D app on a low-spec PC is beyond us. 

There are minimum requirements for iClone but they are a joke, as we have pointed out many times. Higher poly-counts and higher resolution textures affect the memory requirements of any 3D application.

For a graphics card you want lots of VRAM, which can be provided by both AMD and Nvidia. I have 24 GB of VRAM and it is used at times.

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I think the time of running any 3D app on a low-spec PC is beyond us. 

To its credit Blender is still the most “low spec friendly” Major 3DCC out there if you have at least 16 gig of system RAM and are willing to endure long render times if you have no GPU.

I have four PC’s and an old 2011 Imac and was able to get
the render times  on this scene to under a minute per frame on one of my PCs with only intel graphics( no GPU) in Blender.

Alas even those days will soon be over as the new version
of EEVEE coming out is GPU Dependent.

I just do not think the OP’s “Thesis” about Reallusion
Needing to focus more on Blender is correct for reasons I have already outlined earlier.

Ghost Origins
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I understand Reallusion needing to accomodate transfer to other software because users are demanding it but I would like to see Reallusion FOCUSING ON ICLONE rather than Blender/ Unreal/ Omniverse etc though handy of course. Reallusion is appearing to be just a supplementary tool for all the major softwares instead of THE tool for making animated content. 
Giving animators / movie makers what they need should mean they don't have to export to other software unless there is a specific reason to do characters for gaming.
I do thank Reallusion for the many added features since the last release IC8 which have come for free. 
Is there a roadmap somewhere for Iclone future development ? What can we look forward to ? 

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