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Why can you only transfer a cameras motion once?

Posted By bad_character Last Year
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Why can you only transfer a cameras motion once?

Posted Last Year
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Last Active: Last Year
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If I transfer a camera with its motion once, the first time when I transfer everything over and pick bake to sequencer, the camera works fine in that sequencer in unreal.

If i update the camera motion in iclone and transfer it again, the camera in the new sequencer has all the same keyframes for every frame and does not move. If I just transfer the motion, it's the same. If I delete the camera in unreal and try to transfer, it's the same. A frozen lump. If I rename the camera in iclone and then transfer, it's the same. If I make a new camera, i can transfer it and its motion over once. Try again, and it will be forever a frozen lump in every subsequent sequencer.

What the heck is going on? (and it's not active for live link, so that's not why it won't move - live link is not active at all, I don't want to sit there and record stuff in real time and assemble sequencers when you should just be able to hit transfer.)

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