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2024 Reallusion 3D Character Contest - Terror Hunter of Arachnea

Posted By TheBabou 3 Months Ago
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2024 Reallusion 3D Character Contest - Terror Hunter of Arachnea

Posted 3 Months Ago
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Hi everyone
My name is Julek, also known as Babou on my socials Smile
Here's my thread entry for the 2024 reallusion 3D character contest, in the category of a realistic character design. AccuRig Characters

Hello! This is my from the future. I've realised my character does not qualify for the realistic character category. I did use the CC4 basemesh for the proportions, however I ended up covering he face and not utilising the tool further. Therefore I've decided it's more suitable to submit it under the Accurig Characters category. I've created a threat in the FAQ to ask, however got no response, so I'm taking the leap. I hope it's okay, Realusion team!

My character is a terror hunter of Arachnea, a specialised warrior trained to hunt down, exterminate and capture the essence of Vita Vermis; A generic term used to describe the parasite creatures infesting the world of Ealdor. With the blessing of Arachnea they fight with their sword, hammer and spear, tools and traps to serve their purpose

The Inspiration very much comes from my love for the medieval armour , dark fantasy, and sci fi. I aim to combine elements of 15th century medieval armour and dark fantasy, while trying to stay grounded (which might be a challenge!) 
Starting with the ref least what I have so far

Last Month by TheBabou
Eric C (RL)
Eric C (RL)
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TheBabou (6/16/2024)
Hi everyone
My name is Julek, also known as Babou on my socials Smile
Here's my thread entry for the 2024 reallusion 3D character contest, a realistic character. 
My character is a terror hunter of Arachnea, a specialised warrior trained to hunt down, exterminate and capture the essence of Vita Vermis; A generic term used to describe the parasite creatures infesting the world of Ealdor. With the blessing of Arachnea they fight with their sword and spear, tools and traps to serve their purpose

The Inspiration very much comes from my love for the medieval armour , dark fantasy, and sci fi. I aim to combine elements of 15th century medieval armour and scifi to create this character. 
Starting with the ref board..atleast what I have so far

Hi @TheBabou,
Cool and welcome to the contest! May we know which category are you aiming to submit?

Posted 3 Months Ago
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Eric C (RL) (6/17/2024)
TheBabou (6/16/2024)
Hi everyone
My name is Julek, also known as Babou on my socials Smile
Here's my thread entry for the 2024 reallusion 3D character contest, a realistic character. 
My character is a terror hunter of Arachnea, a specialised warrior trained to hunt down, exterminate and capture the essence of Vita Vermis; A generic term used to describe the parasite creatures infesting the world of Ealdor. With the blessing of Arachnea they fight with their sword and spear, tools and traps to serve their purpose

The Inspiration very much comes from my love for the medieval armour , dark fantasy, and sci fi. I aim to combine elements of 15th century medieval armour and scifi to create this character. 
Starting with the ref board..atleast what I have so far

Hi @TheBabou,
Cool and welcome to the contest! May we know which category are you aiming to submit?

The realistic character design   I have decided to change to the AccuRigg characters category as I think it fits my character better. I've updated the description above, however I couldnt change the thread title
Last Month by TheBabou
Posted 3 Months Ago
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First update!
So far just sketching, blocking out, concepting, still very rough. Trying to find the balance of being cool and practical armour design. I think the sci fi elements will come in through the secondary shapes/shape language. Similar to what Doom does

Posted 3 Months Ago
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Trying to find the time to work on the project, this is the direction im going! more spider elements, more refned and dark, with elements like engraving that will show status
Posted 2 Months Ago
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My time management is non existent, but still going! Working on clean up still and polishing the design 
Posted 2 Months Ago
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My time management is non existent, but still going! Working on clean up still and polishing the design 
Posted Last Month
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Hello all! 
A bit of an update on the project
Today I finished working on the shield for the knight. I wanted to do something unique, yet faithful to the 15th century weaponry
There has been one veeryyy interesting piece of weaponry that no one ever speaks about...ready? A gun shield
Yuppp. How awesome is that? First developed by the Italy, then picked up by the British, it was never a success, as it was just not practical to use... but I think it looked amazing and fits my fantasy setting really well
I couldnt find the specific design of the gun, so I had to quickly come up with something of my own. I've tried to make the gun look somehow old, yet functional (even though it won't be visible in the end render). To work somehow like a revolver. Will tweak it a bit more!
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And here's an update on the knight! im so close to being done with the model. I am seriously very happy with how far it has come. Im planning on adding some sort of ..potions or perhaps belt of bullets for the shield gun. Also a mace of sorts, and a dagger. Yknow, bits of story!

Last Month by TheBabou
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Renders are happening! This is a test in the new Marmoset 5. How convienient it came out with a UDIM support just when I needed it...however, Im having some issues with the metallic and smoothness, as I just plugged in the maps I've exported for Unreal. Marmoset looks cool, and it's easy to use as alway, but Im leaning more towards UE5

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