Nirwana (6/14/2024)
The sale is up (!) to 50% off some items not 50% off everything. And in case of the Wrinkles pack the discount is 25% (and not 50%).
See here: the 100 USD off only apply if your purchase amount is 199+ USD after any discounts have been applied and excluding VAT, which means only purchasing the Wrinkles pack would only give you 30 USD off as your screenshot clearly shows.
When I add the Wrinkles pack to my cart, I still see the heart (i.e. Move to Wish List) and the X (i.e. delete). I have no idea why you don't. (I also see a notification in red that I already purchased the Wrinkles pack, but that is different story.)
75% of original size (was 670x19) - Click to enlarge
Ah, so the 25% off is another sale going on and not the member discount. Got Ya,fair enough. If the pack didn't have 25% of and was the regular price, I'd be better off with the Mid year deal though. I do get confused with all the differen sales going on and then working out the dreaded VAT (I know That's not reallusions fault).
I hovered over the area you highlighted and although I still can't see it, I was able to delete.
Thanks for the explanation.
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