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How to detach and then reattach in unity (Or something)

Posted By sait.monato Last Year
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How to detach and then reattach in unity (Or something)

Posted Last Year
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Last Active: Last Year
Posts: 2, Visits: 49
Currently the only way I know to change clothes in unity is for them to all be on the main character body and then export it with all the clothes on it already and then in unity disable or enable the mesh renderer pieces until it just shows the specific outfit you want to see at the time. 

That is a pain because it's messy but also every time I want to add more clothes I suppose I have to re-export and reimport the model with all the old clothes+ the new clothes now. 

I was hoping I could just export the clothes and then simply throwing them on the model would work but it doesn't. 

I've tried two ways: i tried exporting just the clothes as FBX by detaching and turning it into a accessory, but then it doesn't animate on the body anymore in unity it's just a static mesh. 

I tried to export the clothes on a separate duplicate body so to speak and in unity then putting it on the old model but it just breaks some connections or something.

Oh and I tried making the clothes in unity itself separated into a prefab and then deleting it on the main body in the scene hierarchy and then putting that same prefab back on the body but that just breaks the connections or something like it loses 14 colliders it doesn't know how to find anymore and some other stuff like that clothing physics component goes something like "Unable skin the associated mesh with bone count: 12, Cloth component disabled. Please check that at least one of the bones is assigned."

So yeah I'm clueless on if this is even achievable and how thanks for reading 👍🏻

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