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Hitting head against wall

Posted By marex40835 Last Year
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Hitting head against wall

Posted Last Year
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I'm super frustrated and having so much trouble trying to do what should be so simple.

1) Duplicate characters.
I have a character in my scene that I rigged with bones and added motion paths to.
I want to duplicate that character so that there are 4 of him on screen. I try holding ctrl and drag, and it creates a duplicate, but its attached to the original character, and it keeps pulling him on top of the original when the animation starts. I want them to be independent.

2) Save and Reuse animation.
I created a few motion animations for my character dancing. I want to copy and paste that onto another character.
I use collect clip and select the keypoint range. Then export. I then drag and drop onto my character, I see a small loading but then nothing happens. No key frames added, no motion, nothing. I remember I got an error at one point saying something like this file can not load on this character or something. But I can't remember or recreate that.

3) Character Layer Order
I just want to have some characters in front of others. But the layer order can not be changed. I tried to push some characters deeper into my scene, but over the animation timeline they keep popping in front. I want to push the Z layer to a depth and then lock it their for the full clip.

Anyone please help.
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
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marex40835 (6/5/2024)
I'm super frustrated and having so much trouble trying to do what should be so simple.

1) Duplicate characters.
I have a character in my scene that I rigged with bones and added motion paths to.
I want to duplicate that character so that there are 4 of him on screen. I try holding ctrl and drag, and it creates a duplicate, but its attached to the original character, and it keeps pulling him on top of the original when the animation starts. I want them to be independent.

2) Save and Reuse animation.
I created a few motion animations for my character dancing. I want to copy and paste that onto another character.
I use collect clip and select the keypoint range. Then export. I then drag and drop onto my character, I see a small loading but then nothing happens. No key frames added, no motion, nothing. I remember I got an error at one point saying something like this file can not load on this character or something. But I can't remember or recreate that.

For characters and animations you can save directly to your custom library in Content Manager. Once saved you can add them back to your scene by double clicking the thumbnail or using drag and drop. Please see the image below for where to find the Save button. Just remember to switch to the correct folder as shown below before clicking Save.

77% of original size (was 652x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/c9ef5df7-d4e0-4011-af65-f0cb.jpg

3) Character Layer Order
I just want to have some characters in front of others. But the layer order can not be changed. I tried to push some characters deeper into my scene, but over the animation timeline they keep popping in front. I want to push the Z layer to a depth and then lock it their for the full clip.

Just make sure to position all your characters and props at Frame 1 on the Timeline and they will stay in that position. If you position them at a later frame number then you will be setting transitions which will move your character.


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