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After years of hard work on a character that was halted due to an unexpected problem that might have been fixed by a strong popular plugin that is now discontinued, I apologize if my first answer came off as angry or disrespectful.
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What will prevent new and existing customers from using your products? Do you have a list? if not you should make one. Hi as a user of Both Blender and Autodesk Maya & Maxon C4D I would offer these observations regarding “new customers” gained from other 3D softwares
First and foremost there is the unbreakable mental grip of entrenched habits and the eco system comfort bubble, I go into more detail(regarding blender) in this video
Second: in regards to animation ,cloth physics and dynamics iclone does not offer anything not already possible in Maya or Blender in fact it offers much less. particularly compared to Maya as Maya and Blender have advanced Character rigging tools for biped, quadripeds and any other non human creatures. But Maya indie (the version I have) will Cost $300 per year to “rent” so after 3 years you will exceed the $900 combined cost of Iclone 8 & CC4.
But frankly anyone who can’t even afford Maya indie Would still choose blender over Iclone because blender is free and with a one time purchase of about $250 worth of pro addons Addons Blender can do nearly everything that Maya can do animating Characters including the Video to facial animation of Accuface but without needing a NVIDIA GPU .
Blender can do large animated crowds (with an $18 addon )
Blender can Import Daz genesis figures and environment sets (FREE)fully functional (with proper join deformations) Perform bone dynamics with collisions not to mention all of the modeling sculpting and rigid body physics, particles, fluid dynamics etc. along with far better native rendering .
I know “iclone has a much easier learning curve” but Unreal engine is very complex as well but that has not deterred current Iclone users from using it as an alternative render environment. I do think that Iclone/CC4 will always have a core user base that prefers it’s ease of use and do not need all of the fancy features of Blender or Maya. however I see really no way for reallusion to attract large numbers of users away from those other eco systems, particularly the video game development crowd, again... because of of entrenched habits and the eco system comfort bubbles they live in.
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Thank you for the very detailed feedback. This will be passed on for review and consideration.
Peter Forum Administrator
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Help me help you, or help us all :laugh: - SpringJoint Plugin was an obvious huge success but lacked the ability to keep functionality if sold in the Marketplace so customers could have it work with any animation immediately. ---> Is this functionality being built into iClone/CC4 AccuRig? and will the SpringJoints have an new functionality such as stretchy joints? (It has been mentioned recently that there are no plans.) It reduces the quality/potential of iClone back to Hobby level if this was dropped. Building the feature into iClone/CC would make it more inviting to use than installing a plugin that can't help content creators create content with unless baked into animations. A Permanent Spring Joint assignment like the pre-existing tool was an ideal way to go. I will update this post with one of my creatures giving a partial glimpse of the potential that could even make Houdini users a bit jealous for ease of use and realism to set up.
- Native skin Physics - I loved that you added it after it was demonstrated to work and achieve realism. I created the free Camilla Soft Body Physics asset and it seems to be a hit, approximately 30 reviews all but one gave 5 stars ---> is the physics system getting a particle physics upgrade so that clothing wont penetrate skin and vice versa? I understand UE5 V5.4 just upgraded their system so clothing doesn't clip but so far you're the grand leader in the skin physics department among all skin physics systems I've seen thanks to your enabling it. Blender I think might have the option but to my knowledge people haven't used it or know how to in this way.
- Ragdoll Physics - It has been demonstrated that using Spring Joint plugin, various users were able to create ragdoll physics - this would be amazing to have it built in, especially if it had a gravity/ragdoll influence slider.. will this be coming?
Building Gen - The Building Gen plugin was nice, I did buy it in the hopes that it might be developed further but since you are kind of forcing/redirecting people to use other tools like Omniverse and blender, Blender has its own free Building Gen tool so why the focus to create things other programs already have that are free? why not focus on developing things other tools do not have so you can lead standards and inspire others? It's very painful waiting for important features when instead the power you wield is given priority to create redundant features that it seems you'd normally direct us to use in free programs. - Iray Renderer Plugin - We love it and or Indigo Renderer - taking it away will make iClone not have the professional realism/look that other pro tools have. Backing away from the past of being a Hobbyist-centric package which has been said something Reallusion is trying to avoid, is what it is being down graded to *look* like. Over the years I've helped Reallusion correct render problems when people try to render larger scenes with solutions I submitted for Indigo Renderer such as stating that people would need to increase their virtual memory to at least 32 GB so it doesn't crash and make users redo the renders. That beneficial information was passed down to Iray and since then I've contributed more info how to further optimize and increase speeds by closing all extra tabs and toolbars that aren't needed while rendering and shrinking the viewport to thumbnail size, set iClone render resolution to smallest size 48x48 and iclone max texture size minimal mode 1x1 but allow Iray quality texture resolutions, set iClone system process in the task bar to "High" to further increase speeds that might rival omni verse - especially if we had a full auto occlusion and frustrum culling, of which I tried to help you guys sharing free open source code examples in hopes of having it developed and expedited. Before your new power tools came into play to create bigger, more content, (Building Gen & crowd simulations) users in the forums always complain of crashes either during or trying to load the scene. I would suggest to them to set a new blank project to minimal mode and set their virtual memory to 32 GB at least for all drives they load their projects from, then try to load it and this seems to have worked for everyone of them. It confirms that iClone has a memory allocation issue and by creating new tools to populate more, you're only exacerbating the problem. What iC8 should have before these other tools is what game engines use as a solution but now with your GPU isolation mode, (awesome by the way) Realtime Frustrum and occlusion culling could be recorded to the timeline and (GPU Isolation mode inverted with the function to only display what the camera can see and hide everything else *records the toggling of visibility states*) then projects could be exported with those recorded states to be a benefit in other programs. If you don't understand the benefit of this, then in my humble opinion you have the wrong person in the seat of strategy and the needs of your customers. This would give customers a very powerful/stable iClone and up to 300% rendering speed both Native Rendering and Iray. I didn't want to be the guy that is a complainer, says things that may sound cruel, maybe even unjust, maybe you have a grand masterful, super smart plan, and we don't know and that might be part of why I have reacted this way and I'm sorry but it's the customers that pay the price for the risks of investing money and time. We have dreams and want to see it through.
- Quadruped IK Support - It was said several months back in a webinar that Quadruped + support was hopefully coming sometime February, now that February has passed, is this something that still might come to fruition in the next few months? A shortcut in your programming to allow Quadrupeds, Octopeds or *any*peds to work in iClone with Motion Capture from scratch could be done in AccuRig with auto bone renaming or creation of additional Cloned Human Bones hierarchies into a new or existing character so that when animating with IK, using Motion Capture, Motion Puppet or Motion correction, users could simply select the CC4 Human bone hierarchy to be used while the non selected/animation tracks temporarily have *write/record*disabled but can still play an animation back if it has one.
Not knowing what the focus/future of Reallusion products is like looking into a stagnant crystal ball. I understand, some people get ruffled when you announce things but maybe for technical reasons can't deliver. You have a feedback tracker, in a way you ask for help with bugs, ideas and other feedback I think if you have a technical problem you might want to make public the notes surrounding what the complication is. Reallusion has so much mind blowing potential for character creation and animation it's insane! What ever you make with CC and IC that is beyond normal character possibilities such as the ability to mocap or ik multi arm, leg, head, hand or foot creatures, it's going to lead the industry. New Spring joint compatibility for ik, Spring joint-Stretchy Joints, Ragdoll physics influence slider (potentially with collision contact+speed/weight triggers) and clothing with physics on a soft skin physics character I think would complete Reallusion character creation and animation as a True Universal Character Creation and Animation Pipeline. From my testing with skin physics and spring joints there is an amplification that makes physics between the two unstable so it needs either a fall off or average. - Reallusion tells us they have a small team and is the reason to their limited development/support - If you don't have the team/financing to create the tools we need, why not utilize Kickstarter? I've seen other wealthy corporations use this, why not Reallusion!!?? Also, the strategy of not spending time on creating existing free tools might help. - Nothing against employees that are just doing what they're asked and I'm not angry towards Reallusion, a bit frustrated yes because I've invested in so many tools over the years that are now being removed. Myself and others don't want to have to learn a new program, new headaches, new bugs etc
What will prevent new and existing customers from using your products? Do you have a list? if not you should make one.- Users & potential customers see you have an amazing tool like the option to add spring joints but after many months or more creating a character from scratch, they later find the unspoken/advertised limitation that they can't add it where ever they want, specifically in an ik chain.
- You create an amazing tool then discontinue it after a year or two (Iray, Indigo, Spring Joint Plugin, PopcornFX) with no recourse/alternative/upgrade from within or utilize the new release from the 3rd party -very unstable practice for professionals to rely on. Instead of improving upon things, they seem to get discontinued - things that paying professionals rely on.
Personally, I think that because Reallusion may not have access/see profound usage Professionals create with the tools they create, Reallusion become less inspired. I can't show every amazing thing I have because I'm working on a series and don't want people copying my idea and maybe getting ahead of me bringing it to the public first. With the exception of soft body physics-experimental, project merge, a real mirror and a few others many of us are feeling ignored on the feedback tracker. I've looked up Crowd simulator on the feed back tracker - although would be very useful - only one requested it in iClone 6, and it seems no one requested a building generator. Do you have extra money and a team and sometimes you forget you have many requests with many votes for it and just decide we have to make something to sell so we're just going to create this"..." You may be Partnered with Epic and I don't believe they requested it from you since they already have their own in their marketplace, these tools already exist elsewhere where you tell us to go to do other things, a Building generator in my opinion could have been further down the road, there are also building assets in your marketplace people could have used to get their idea down. A way to see the progress of your tools regularly You could reward existing customers if they are asked to showcase the use of specific tools for best representation each month, it doesn't have to be a big contest, it could be an ongoing simple monthly giveaway. You could respond to posts you like that use # and congratulate them with a reward to encourage potential customers and inspire existing ones to do the same. This way, everyone will see the potential consistently evolving, not just from a big contest that happened years ago. Please share something game changing, worth looking forward to, a major enhancement to character creation, animation and maybe rendering
Some may and have taken this the wrong way, I am not trying to insult anyone/devs I'm just pointing out the timeline and seeing a reduction of possibilities. I'm also not asking for these features to be built in free, I know Reallusion is a business and needs to survive and grow and I've supported them since iClone 5, what I'm saying is please cater a little more to the requests/votes or the potential of requests. I've now got a few dead projects that I've been working on over the years all because of functionality of Spring Joints not possible for ik chains that Reallusion may not have known/expected. I've built one particular creature so far and was going to release it into the market place but CC4 won't let me add the last few spring joints to custom bones connected to an ik chain but their Spring joint plugin 1. awesome - works with any bone 2. sadly - works only for iC7 3. very unfortunate - doesn't retain spring assignments that could be carried into the marketplace except for animations it was used in.
Store Page Link 93% of original size (was 540x16) - Click to enlarge       AMD 4.5 GHz 16 Cores | 128 GB | RTX 4090 | Window11 | Houdini FX 18.5 | Zbrush 2023 | Maya 2014 | Adobe CS6 | Sonar Producer X3 | iC8, CC4 | DTS Master Audio Suite | Perception Neuron 32 Alum Edition | Akeytsu