Hi all,
I'm really struggling to figure out some things that are going on in Iclone in regards to how the root works.
I have a mocap animation. I followed some tutorials to make sure that it starts at the root and faces the correct direction. I made sure the root and hips have the animation applied to them using the hip to root command. It all works fine - except when I try to rotate the character to a different angle when they're moving. The gizmo is at the centre of the character and it rotates fine in the viewport - that is until you make key-frames and playback. Then the rotation point seems to be coming from somewhere other than the centre of the character. Almost as if it's rotating from where the character originated from. Which I could understand if the root didn't have animation data on it to follow the characters centre - but it does.
I then tried this with an animation I'd captured using Motion Director. I just had the character run. I applied the rotation and it rotated at the centre of the character as expected. I thought I'd take a look at the information for the root as I can see that the gizmo is following the character so I assumed this means that the root transform has animation applied? However when I looked at the transformation in the graph editor (which I'm assuming is for the root) it's not showing any animation info at all for both base layer and first layer.
Can anyone clear up my confusion?
Thanks in advance.