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AccuLips lip sync animation jitters in Unity

Posted By jerome.dipietro 6 Months Ago
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Posted 6 Months Ago
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Last Active: 2 days ago
Posts: 89, Visits: 1.0K
I've not had this problem before but on my current project I'm finding that iClone FBX animations with Viseme based lip sync are playing back differently when imported into Unity:

I've checked that the model in Unity has the correct blendshapes and all looks fine (the animation clip doesn't show any yellow missing blendshapes or bones in the paths) The animation clip speed is set to 1.
The Unity Timeline asset playing back the clip has its framerate set to 60fps, same as the iClone project
Are there any import settings I've missed? I'm wondering whether Unity is somehow trying to 'smooth out' the animation by doing some unwanted key reduction?
Here are my import settings for the FBX file:
Could it be related to the warning about activating translation DOF on the avatar?

Any help or advice would be much appreciated

Unity Virtual Reality Developer
6 Months Ago by jerome.dipietro
Posted 5 Months Ago
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Last Active: 2 days ago
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Just responding to my own question as there's not been any other input.

It's not perfect but I did find that changing Anim Comnpression on the FBX import settings (Animation tab) helped a little. Going from 'Optimal' to 'Keyframe Reduction' seemed to give a slight improvement, I guess by forcing more smoothing on the key frames.

In the end I opted for redoing the animation file in iClone and reducing the general expressiveness. It's a shame it was necessary but the end result is less jarring.

Would still be interested in any other ideas as to why it's happening Smile

Unity Virtual Reality Developer

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